Thursday, July 28, 2005

The Bill Clinton Foundation Re-visited:

July 28-2005.

The Clinton Foundation-revisited:

Even though I admire the efforts that former president Bill Clinton is doing for humanity lately, I still cannot ignore the time when thousands were dying en-mass in Rwanda and the United States did not intervene to end the mass slaughter there. That was under his watch!

When AIDS was ravishing millions in the continent of Africa, Bill Clinton did not aggressively inject money or medication to help alleviate the pain, suffering and death of those desperately poor and un-developed states in Africa, that was reeking under this pandemic.

It was under his watch that The Immigration Laws that were introduced in 1996-97 that inhibited legal residence, eg P.R.U.C.O.L. (Persons Residing Under Color Of Law): Many of whom for various reasons, overstayed their time here in America, and was now seeking permanent resident status. His signing of that law, debarred most of them from ever gaining that legal status without having to return to their home countries, and risk death, poverty, shame or worse!

It was under Bill Clinton's presidency that the 'Don't Ask-Don't Tell" Act. became statute, resulting in several deaths & beatings of Gay men, and several dis-honourable discharges of Homosexuals from the US military. Even though historically, closeted homosexual military personnel have been dreadfully injured in World war 2, The Korean War, The Vietnam War, Desert Storm, and possibly the wars in Afghanistan & Iraq currently. So Bill Clinton is no good legacy for the Gay community, and least of all, The Communities Of Color!

The only illegals eligible for legal residence in the USA, that manage to float in, sail in, drop in, or reach the shores of America, are the Cubans, and they are entitled to Automatic Legal Residence Status? This kind of differential treatment of humans, coupled with political convenience, bothers me greatly. And I wonder if it is only after Bill Clinton left the White House, that he became human again!

Om Shanti.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Political Educator & Advocate.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The Crisis In Zimbabwe Today!

July 26-2005:

Welcome To "Wide Angle" on Channel 13:

The crisis in Zimbabwe & the flood of Zimbabweans into Botswana today:

Tonight I saw a documentary that dealt with the crisis in Zimbabwe, the gross un-employment of her people, and the total disregard-regard and willful displacement of dweller's homes/shacks, in the urban districts, in order for the Zimbabwe government to appease it's political leader President Robert Mugabe's edict, for house cleaning of the slums.

Thousands have been displaced from their homes in Zimbabwe, hundreds were even killed during the bulldozing of these houses. Yes, the bulldozer drivers could not wait to destroy these homes, regardless of whether the occupants were in, or out at the time. Many Zimbabweans take the terrible risk of trying to cross the electrified fences between the two countries, to get into Botswana. many have been killed in the process, killed while trying to cut the live wire fence.

But the recycling of Zimbabweans caught in Botswana and sent back to Zimbabwe continues!

Meanwhile, Zimbabwe's neighbors are saying they will not get involved in the internal affairs of Zimbabwe. So the killing, the starvation, the displacement of residents from their homes, the destruction of more homes, the hunger & starvation of her people continues. Do you know that a case scenario such as this occurred in Botswana:

It was told publicly in Botswana that an old woman laced her food at night with 'Rat Poison" because she suspected that Zimbabweans had stolen her food before. So she set the trap! Thereafter, three Zimbabwean children were killed after eating the food.

Do you know that this killing of innocent lives were well received by the general population in Botswana. Some said that the old woman did the right thing.. They did not mind the inhumane act at all. They said the killing was done as a deterrent, for those Zimbabweans who still try to enter Botswana illegally.

However, Africa & African countries that are more economically stable must give help to those less fortunate than themselves. Saying that one's neighbors problems does not concern you, to warrant intervention therein. Is in fact saying that so long as my own people eat, drink, are housed, and safe from occupation by foreigners on it's soil, then it is all good!

The Vampireistic leaders of several African countries, are plundering, raping, pillaging, and creating the foundation for perpetual poverty for their people, for centuries to come. No amount of economic aid from the developed countries will appease this situation, unless stringent political and (military actions) if need be, is taken to remove this cancer from their midst. And to continue monitoring the situation, for any resurgence of such elements in that continent.

It took American & British forces a few weeks to overthrow Sadaam Husein & his regime. It could also take a United African States Union, to militarily remove those elements that create destabilization, impoverishment, and death from it's midst.

Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Political Educator & Advocate.

Monday, July 25, 2005

How Is The Word NIGGA Is Perceived In Africa?

July 25-2005:

How Is The Word 'NIGGA' Perceived In Africa?

In response to an article that dealt with the term 'nigger or nigga' that was used in Egypt by some store owners, who felt that it identified them as being COOL, with American Hip Hop & the Rappers persona.

So here is my take on this article.
I read the article, and the impression I got from this article was that is was acceptable in Egypt, for some folks to identify with the word 'nigger,' and not feel that is a derogatory term. They even used it to identify the Rapper P. Diddy's music, and the American Rap Music Genre.

You might be surprised my friends that this word that is so abhorred by Blacks here in the USA, means very little in other cultures, who just see it as another description of Blacks or Africans. They see nigga or niggers as a term (knowingly or un-knowingly) to identify a certain group of people who are dark skinned or not European or White. This might seem strange to many Black Americans, but those of us who travel to Europe or other foreign lands are surprised to see just how natural this term, and it's identity for Blacks is used so casually, with little or no inhibition.

This question can be debated for ever in this country of America, but when you go abroad in other cultures, being referred to as a 'Spade' (like they do in the UK), a 'TU' (like they do in France), 'a monkey' (like they do in India), and several other names too numerous to mention. You will realize that Black Americans are the only ones who seem to take this description so seriously.

Incidentally, Tiger Woods do not see himself as BLACK. No, he identifies as ASIAN American. Like so many dark skinned Asians, they do not self-identify as BLACKS. (Just thought I should mention it here)!

Do you know that most young South Africans & other African nationals use the 'nigga term' when addressing each other? Do you know that many African Youth, feel being called a 'nigga' is COOL. Of course they have not had our history of Slavery. At least it was not perceived as such in several African States. In some African States, even today, forced labor is still used by those who own vast areas on land. The peasantry is seen as just a means to an end in acquiring wealth.

And in these cultures, this practice have been the tradition for centuries, and is accepted as normal.

Furthermore, most Africans do not see Black Americans or Blacks that are not African born as equals. They have a different perception of us. They see us as Blacks with European aspirations, European culture, European education, and European values.
So when we say 'nigga" or African American, or Black American, these terms may not necessarily mean much to a foreign born Black or an African.

Om Shanti.
Derryck S Griffith.
Political Educator & Advocate.

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