Sunday, May 29, 2011

Capitalism Has Nothing To Gain From Democracy!

May 29-2011

Capitalism Has Nothing To Gain From Democracy!

Capitalism Is About Making Money:

Therefore, when an entrepreneur indulges in any undertaking, it is to make money. He/she expects to maximize profits with the least overhead costs. He/she employs only those he/she needs to get the job done, and no excess labor is allowed because it will infringe upon his/her profits. The cheaper the labor input, or cost of production or service, the more income will accrue.

Democracy And Capitalism Conflicts:

All businesses are run from top down. In other words, he or she who owns the business have the first and last say as to who gets what, when, and how. Some businesses solicit input from their employees, if they think such solicitation will bring fresh ideas to improve and increase production, and ultimately profits.

Some employers will give some form of incentive to those whom they feel is loyal, is able to provide the time, energy, and labor to make the business profitable, and to ensure that it stays that way.

He or she who indulges in business enterprising may or may not become rich in the process. The ultimate goal of any businessman/woman is to gain wealth, increase his/her income, and subsequently become self-reliant, and totally independent of others for his/her survival.

No Middle Class Is Catered For In A Capitalist System:

The ones who are able to earn enough to save for retirement, send their children to college, buy their own homes, save a little for emergencies, and go on a vacation every once in a while, have attained Middle Class Status.

This position cannot be attained, achieved, or secured, if ordinary folks depend SOLELY upon Private Enterprise for stable, permanent jobs, and employment with benefits. Such as health care, vacation with pay, permanency, liveable wages/salaries, and promotional opportunities, or upward mobility on the job.

The State's Responsibilities:

* The state in any Democracy is to ensure the following:

* Employment is Equal and Fair to all, regardless of ethnicity, demography, religious beliefs, and political affiliation.

* Ensure that the Essential Services for Civil livelihood for all, is under the purview and control of the state by law.

* And to enact legislation that protects the Rights Of All working people, for Fair Wages, Compensation for Injury on the job, and Collective Bargaining Rights for all those employees who are Union Members or not.


Monday, May 23, 2011

Why Were The Europeans And The USA Surprised About Col. Quadaffi's Behavior?

May 23-2011.

Why Were The Europeans And The USA Surprised About Col. Quadaffi's Behavior?

Firstly, when those powers decided to forgive Quadaffi, and bring him into the fold of Free and Democratic states once again. They genuinely felt that he had the potential for reform. After making some concessions with his foreign policy, and paying compensation to the victims of Lockabee and elsewhere, for his former terrorist activities.

Like most humans, politicians also behave like anyone would do for his country and himself. So Col. Quadaffi came on board, was given the accolades that was required, and the resumption of private commercial investments begun.

Then came the expatriation of the former imprisoned and sick terrorist to Libya, after which followed a national celebration as a hero on his arrival therein, that embarrassed the west terribly.

Wasn't This National Heroic Reception Envisaged By The Western Powers?

It seems like they wanted him to be received quietly without any fanfare. But (the Western powers), obviously does not understand the mentality of Arabs, Moslems, or the cultures in the Middle East. So when he got a hero's welcome, this created the platform from which the west would use to get back at their 'two faced' friend and ally, Col. Quadaffi.

Today NATO, especially France and Britain are using all of their military muscle to ensure that the colonel never rise again in Libya!



Sunday, May 08, 2011


May 08-2011.


I supported the Egyptian revolution because I felt they were all encompassing in their collective expectation and demands, for equal rights for ALL Egyptians.

Now that the Dictator (Mubarak) has left, it seems that pogroms are now being used to separate and castigate the indigenous Coptic Christians and Fellow Egyptians, by the current revolutionary authority and their lackeys!

If this harassment continues, I WILL aggressively advocate for the global Castigation of The Egyptian Revolution as a SHAM.



Monday, May 02, 2011

The Head Of The Snake Is Severed.

May 02-2011.

US Special Forces Killed Asama Bin Laden!

The Head Of The Snake Is Severed.

During the early morning of May 02, at around 1.30 am three US Special Forces Helicopters flew into a compound that was very close to a Pakistani Military Training Facility, and killed Asama Bin Laden, his wife, one son, and a few couriers at a privately owned and secured bungalo there.

This internationally known terrorist, who allegedly had a hand in the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001, was being pursued by the US ever since that attack. Former president George W. Bush assumed that Asama Bin Laden was hiding in some cave on the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

But this new reality has proven to the world that he had the help, and protection of loyalists in that region, coupled with the apparent knowledge of Pakistan's Central Inteligence too.

For someone of his stature, height, and notoriety, to be residing so very close to a Pakistani Military Academy, in a place that is considered very residential, has proven that the above assumptions are justified.

The Head Of The Snake Is Severed.

But will the snake die, or will it just grow another head? Chances are it will grow another head or spiritual leader very soon. Because El Qaeda has been operating for years without the expressed directions coming directly from Asama Bin Laden.

This organization has the resources, dedicated and committed soldiers on the grond who can operate and execute terrorist acts on their own initiative.

However, there is fear that terrorist activities will arise very soon in retaliation of his death. I say, regardless of this justified fear, terrorists don't need to be motivated by any singular death, for them to exploit any soft target. Terrorists will and have always exploited any opportunity to execute terrorist acts whenever the situation arose.



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