Saturday, May 28, 2005

Who & what is Al Qaeda?

January 22-2005:

Question: Who & What Is Al Qaeda?

We have been hearing ever since the Sept-11-2001 disaster in Manhattan. New York City. World Trade Center. That Al Qaeda is a group of terrorists primarily from the Middle Eastern countries, with a philosophy of Islamic Jihadist wars against foreigners, who are perceived to be an un-welcomed influence upon the Arab world.

Their spiritual leader and patron is in the personality of Asama Bin Laden, a Moslem and wealthy Sauidi, who is also related to the Ruling Family of Sauidi Arabia. This (seemingly) revered personality, is alleged to be primarily responsibility for the dictating of pogroms against westerners in the Arab world, and against infidels or Christians who occupy their Arab lands.

Some of this movement's converts was able to take refuge in Afghanistan after the Russians were forcefully evicted after forty years of war.Then the internal war which started shortly thereafter between the Northern alliances of ethnic groups in Afghanistan & the Southern alliances of the ruling group (The Pashtunes)..

With the advent of the Taliban Regime, (a group of Islamic Wahabist believers), seized control of the State during the void and confusion that was left after the Russians took to their heels. George W. Bush, along with some countries that fell for the concept that Global terror was afoot, and at risk for terror activities within their borders, joined a coalition to help stem the perceived spread of this plague. With this new crusade led by George W. Bush, and his British counterpart (principally), the movement's drumbeat for war got it's genesis.

The rest as you all know is history.

So where are those weapons of mass destruction that Sadaam Hussein is alleged to have developed or accumulated. To date, none have been found, and according to The Pentagon, (they finally acquiesced) to the world's view, that they might never be found, if there was any there in the first place! Today we hear that Asama Bin Laden has new Allies & Successor, who operates in the Iraqi theatre, promoting terror and genocidal acts, in order to scare the Americans, and their allies from that country and region.

The Interim administration that was imposed upon the Iraqi people is now with America's mandate, trying to get the Iraqi's to vote at the forthcoming national elections. But most of the Sunni ethnic Iraqi groups are not represented. Because it is felt by them that they are not adequately represented. Though in the minority, they fear that America is influencing the procedures, for an outcome that is favorable to the West, and Western interests.

Meanwhile, the insurgency is gaining momentum. Thousands of American military personnel are dead, disabled and mortally wounded. Yet the Bush administration is telling the American people that the situation is under control, and that elections will take place regardless of who represents the Iraqi people. So long as the people are allowed to vote in January 30-2005. The killing continues!

There seem to be an upsurge in this kind of terror in Iraq, and with the new Iraqi Swat teams and Commando groups formed recently to deal with specific targets. Even they are now being targeted for eradication by the insurgents.
We will have to watch and wait, as the bodies pile-up in Iraq. To see whether the elections will bring about any change of attitudes, or the situation becomes worse in the post-election era.That is left to the imagination!

Meanwhile, I am still trying to figure out who, and what this Al Qaeda movement has to do with all of the above?

Om Shanti!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Political Educator & Advocate.
Yahoo IM: mimbari2003


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