Saturday, January 07, 2006

A New Spectre Of Religious Fervor Is Afoot!

January 07-2006:

A New Spectre Of Religious Fervor Is Afoot:

Today I heard on WBAI Radio comments from people who have been reading books on religion and religious beliefs. One person said that religion is within you, not without, and those who seek religion from the other (or outside themselves) are foolish. Suggestions were given to the radio host to read Mary Baker Eddy's books on religion, and any other book written by women on such matters.
It is and has been my view for years now, that religion is another mode of mental and psychological control of people. With the promotion of fear for one's afterlife destiny, religious charlatans have concocted numerous scenarios on what humans should do to prevent eternal damnation. Because of the fear of physical death, (and I am sure this fear was induced into the minds of humans), by those who felt that this is another method that can be used to frighten people into submission to certain religious beliefs and practises. Islam & Christianity used very aggressive and violent methods of oppressing people into submission to this belief system
The Spanish Inquisition was a case in point. The Crusaders was another. And the prophet Mohamed's Jihad against infidels, in his campaign to gain converts was yet another. Today, the world is divided between the Christian West, and The Islamic East, in terms of religious converts, and sphere of influence.The ever present distrust, suspicion, and fear for the imposition of each hemispheric philosophy upon the other, is very real indeed. With the advent of one supreme global military power like the USA, and the fear of pre-emptive military strikes against those nations that do not comply with the wishes of this supreme power. Several nations are seeking nuclear technology, in order to be equipped with the type of weaponry, that will be a deterrent to any threat from America, or any other nation that has those weapons. The USA, Russia, North Korea, Iran, China, Israel, India, France, Germany, and Pakistan, are the current nations that have this capability.
The USA, Britain, Russia, & The EEC, have been trying via the UN to get other nations to adhere to a certain nuclear proliferation treaty enshrined into the United Nations Charter. But some nations claim that they need nuclear technology in the form of electricity, to help boost their internal production, and economic development. Nations like Iran, North Korea, and China, have long since said that they will not allow any UN charter to stiffle their internal developmental plans, for nuclear technology. So the back and forth political posturing goes on between North Korea, Iran, and The USA. Meanwhile, the rest of the world watches and speculates how these talks, threats, and verbal battles will eventually playout!
The long overdue Peace Accord between the Palestinians & Israel hangs in the balance. Ariel Sharun (indisposed Israeli Prime Minister) now convalesing, has arbitrarily taken some action, in relation to territorial settlements. But he refused to have anything to do with the current Palestinian Authority. Now that he is indisposed medically, and elections are due in the next few months. All of the Middle East awaits the results of the next Israeli Political Administration, and what it will do to help or hinder the peace process proposals.
I Report You Decide!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator & Advcate.


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