Is Peace & Stability In Iraq Possible?
February 21-2006:
Peace & Stability In Iraq Is dependent Upon National Unity & Collaboration Of All Iraqis:
We entered Iraq to liberate the Iraqi nation from a tyrant, butcher, and one time occupier of his neighbor 'Kuwait We were told that this dictator Sadaam Husein had WMD's (Weapons Of Mass Destruction), or the potential to acquire them, and was poised to use them on his neighbors, Kuwait and possibly Iran.
These allegations overtime, with the occupation and thorough searches underground, in bunkers, tunnels, castles, and bungalows, came up empty. Plus the commission that was formed to investigate these allegations of WMD's in Iraq, and the reason for the USA & it's allies to invade that country, also found many flaws, un-substantive, and erroneous evidence, to validate these claims.
Today in Iraq, there is the on-going insurgency from native Iraqi peoples, foreign Arab Jihadists, Syrian Jihadists, and disgruntled former Iraqi military personnel, who were relieved of their uniformed military command and employment, government officials, and thousands more who were suspects of Sadaam's former security forces.
These people have families to provide for, homes to heat, children to educate, but have no jobs to go to. No employment, and no prospects. Therefore, in order to provide for self and family, most of these displaced and hated remnants of the former Bathist regime, will do whatever it takes to provide for their families.
Most will offer themselves, (and have been doing so), to the Arab Jihadists who are willing to pay large sums of money to anyone, who is willing to take on Jihad against foreign invaders and occupiers in Iraq.
That is basically the bottom line in the rise or fall of the insurgency in Iraq. With the foreign Jihadist elements willing to do whatever it takes to get rid of American & all other military forces from Iraq, they are prepared to target the Iraqi Police, the military, and any agency, or officials that work for, or seem to be in collusion with foreigners in Iraq. This continuous terror will never end, until full employment can be provided to most un-employed Iraqi's.
Essential services like water, sewerage, electricity, medical facilities, Policing, and total national internal security becomes relatively normal again. But these services are dependent upon security, and safety for the workers who manage/run them.
And a political climate with nationalistic feelings, that we are all in this together, regardless of whether we are Sunni, Shia, Christian, or some other ethnic or religious group.
Until that consciousness and resolve to work together as one nation, one people, with one destiny, is achieved, then all bets are off for the time being!
Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
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