Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Current Situation In Darfur-Sudan-June-2006:

June 06-2006:

The Current Situation In Darfur-Sudan-June-2006:

The Janjaweed Militia in the Sudan is an un-official group Arab Sudanese, who are contracted by the Sudanese government, to ferret out the Blacks or Non-Arab Sudanese from the Darfur region of the Sudan.

This militant, armed band of state sponsored thugs, get their funding and directions from the government, thus making it difficult for any Peace-keeping forces to intervene in Darfur. The OAU (Organization Of African Unity), refuse to send more troops to help maintain the recent Peace Accord, established with some of the warring factions, and the Sudanese government.

The OAU claims that the cost for maintaining such troops is too much for them to afford indefinitely. So all eyes are looking to the UN for assistance in this regard. But the Sudanese government, is not mindful of any US Peace-keeping force to intervene, unless it is just observatory, and not military.

Any UN military intervention in the affairs of Darfur, is a "No-No" for the Sudanese government at this time.

Meanwhile, some of the warring factions who did not sign on to the recent peace agreement, are still fighting each other. They feel the peace accord does not fully provide for their needs and expectations.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.



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