Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Maintenance Man & Cleanup Woman Concept:

October 16-2006:

TO: http://www.MingleCity.com

Michael Baisden
Radio Anchor

The Maintenance Man & The Cleanup Woman Concept:

Marriage Vows:

I will love-honor and cherish my spouse until death do us part!

* This vow is the BIGGEST FALLACY that was ever created by 'MAN'

* It has never worked, and will never work in reality. Because Humans are generally very fickle. Only social-family and religious pressure causes some of us to confirm to certain rules.

One Man-One Woman Concept:

* This too is a fallacy, because there isn't enough heterosexual males for every heterosexual female, on a one on one marriage basis, on this planet.

* And not all heterosexuals are inclined to get married either.

Men generally and globally die many years before their female counterparts or women generally. So having a mate or spouse until death, is a gamble every woman has to take before marriage.

The Maintenance Man and Woman Concept explained:

It is the view that some men and women are prepared to have a sexual affair, or a emotional relationship with another person, even though they know that he or she is already 'spoken for or married.

Several reasons are given by those who indulge in this behavior. But the general view is simply this:

* I was cheated on before by my spouse, so why not repay the compliment.

* The other person cheated does not have to know about this affair. And if he or she does, then they would have to deal with it and their errant lover or boyfriend however they can.

* Some women say, I didn't know about his marriage before we got serious, and when I did, it was too late to end it!


These views also apply to homosexual affairs or relationships!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


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