Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The State Of The Union Address-2007!

January 23-2007:

The State Of The Union Address-George W. Bush-2007:
My Viewpoint:
Incidentally, a few hundred troops have already been sent to Iraq to start the president's new strategy there. These may be categorized as the initial deployment boost, in order to initiate the new Baghdad strategy, for insurgency control.
This move should be expected by the Commander In Chief, because he cannot wait until congress, and the senate debates and concludes (yea or nay), in order to implement his plan. When a final decision by the congress on just how many more troops should be sent to Iraq is reached, the president may have already sent his proposed 30,000 more troops already.

The Address:
I listened to the president's address tonight, and couldn't help feeling his deep sense of concern for the sense of urgency in the state of affairs for our people at home and in the theaters of war abroad. Our troops in Iraq & Afghanistan need our wholehearted support. He urged the congress to debate these issues, and provide the vital solutions, as to how we would deal with the dire realities in Iraq & Afghanistan.
He urged them to support his final efforts to bring some closure, and fruition to the goal we set ourselves to achieve in Iraq. By supporting his request for more troops for Baghdad, and in a final attempt to assist the Iraqi government to consolidate it's position, achieve national security in Baghdad firstly, and to enhance expedite the developmental capability of the Iraqi army, police, and other security forces.
He urged the congress to come up with a comprehensive immigration bill that he could sign. This was said before at the previous State Of The Union Address he gave in 2002.

National Energy Consumption:
He stressed our need or dependence on foreign oil, and the vulnerability for America to be hurt by stoppages, high prices, stoppages, terrorists acts to ships in transit, and air pollution. He urged for more exploration and development of ethanol, clean and safe nuclear energy, and other home grown efforts that could assist the US in becoming less dependent on foreign oil.
Foreign Policies:
Our image is at stake. he stressed that we continue to aid foreign allies, moderate democracies, and friendly states in fighting terrorism. In assisting states with rising HIV, and malaria epidemics, with funding, and other tools for combating these maladies.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


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