July 27-2007:
America Would Be Perceived Differently-If I Am Elected President:
Senator Barack Obama said recently that if he is nominated for the presidency, and attains that position. The world will look at America very differently.
I think he has a point here. For example:
* The developing countries will expect him to be more concerned for their economic well being.
* Latin & Central America will expect him also to be more in tune with their internal economic struggles. And the in-equality of International Trade that faces developing countries currently.
* And Black Americans who could not perceive, not cared to have a president who self-identifies as Black American. Will have to face the reality that "America is waking up" to it's responsibilities of TRUE equality of opportunity for ALL.
Barack Obama's Birthday (Aug-04-2007)
LEO:. (July 23-Aug-22): The Lion:
Great talker. Sexy and passionate. Laid back. Knows how to have fun. Is really good at. Great kisser. Unpredictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive. Attractive. Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. NOT ONE TO MESS WITH. Rare to find. Good when found.
July 26-2007:
What Is Levitation?
Levitation according to physicists, can only occur when one is able to defy or avoid the gravitational pull of the earth's atmosphere.
In other words, if anyone or anything is to fly, it has to be able to avoid the earth's gravity. That is why astronauts and their shuttles are able to float in space. Because there is no gravity there.
And if for some strange reason or phenomena, earth's gravity stops instantly. Then everything that is on the earth's surface goes flying into space. And as it flies, it picks up speed in volume by the moment.
These are facts of our universe!
Raul Castro Is Willing To Do Business With The Next US President:
Raul Castro (Fidel Castro's brother), and acting president of Cuba, said he would welcome diplomatic relations with America, when the Bush administration leaves office.
That is a stretch from his brother Fidels view in this regard.
Was it caused by the perpetual lack of basic food supplies, oil, and other essential services that are reeking Cuba currently?
Whatever it is, I am sure Cubans generally are hopeful!
July 25-2007:
Gay Relationships That Cross Ethnic & Cultural Lines!
Until all Gay and Homosexual men could accept that LOVE does not have Ethnic or Cultural boundaries:
Until all Gay and Homosexual men accept that the one you LOVE comes FIRST and Foremost, before relatives and parents.
Until all Gay and Homosexual men accept that for any relationship to work, develop, prosper, and thrive, both parties MUST accept each other's frailties.
Until all Gay and Homosexual men realize, that no one can predict what Ethnic or Cultural identity the one he may fall in love with will be.
And until all Gay and Homosexual men learn to LOVE themselves, their fellow Gay and Homosexual brothers as FAMILY, we will continue to be Miserable, Un-happy, Distrustful of each other.
Drug users and Addicts, Alcoholics, Sexually Repressed, and Terribly Depressed people.
These things we MUST do NOW:
Could America Be TRULY Free From Ethnic Supremacy?
Until the economic, social and political powers that promote the old status quo is removed.
Or until the national political agenda reflects the ethnic variety of cultures that are constantly emigrating here.
Racism, Ethnocentrism, and Religious preferences will continue to mold the national agenda of this culture.
Civilian Nuclear Reactor Promised To Libia?
The French government has promised to help Libia build a civilian nuclear reactor, and the supply of arms. Imagine, Libya was once thought of as a terrorist state. Now France sees them as a state that they could do business with.
Iran un-fortunately, is not so lucky at this time. I guess Iran has to do something that would appease the USA, & The European Community, in order to qualify for a similar deal.
Remember North Korea only recently has promised to SHUT DOWN their nuclear reactor, if the west is willing to supply them with food, oil, and much needed supplies for it's starving population.
July 24-2007:
Senator Barack Obama Was Mis-construed Totally!
When Barack Obama responded to the question posed to him and Hillary Clinton, concerning meeting with leaders of Iran, Cuba, North Korea, Syria, etc.
He said sure, within the first year he would make efforts to do so.
And Hillary Clinton said she would not meet PERSONALLY with any of them in her first year (if elected president).
Now the media is saying that Barack Obama erred in his answer, because of in-experience.
But what I think Barack Obama meant was simply this.
* He would make diplomatic efforts to meet with those leaders, via the usual diplomatic channels that are already in place at the State Department.
BBC news.
China's New Leap Forward:
China is known for copying other nations's technology, and selling the products cheaply.
Not anymore!
China's new college graduates today, are being charged by their Communist Government to start CREATING, instead of copying.
China MUST become the world's leading innovator in technology, is the new message instilled in all college graduates today!
July 22-2007:
Obedience Without Questioning Is For SLAVES:
When Abraham was about to kill or sacrifice his son Isaac to his God or Allah. He heard a voice in his head (it was alleged), telling him not to kill his son.
Because he was only being tested for his loyalty and belief in his God.
I say Abraham acquiesced to this request reluctantly, because of FEAR.
If fear is what was expected of him from his Master or God.
Then only SLAVES need a God. Free men or women does not need any Master or a God, to serve obediently!
States Favourable To Homos-Lesbians & Transgenders:
Any state could be considered a HOMO STATE if it has enacted laws to safeguard the Civil Rights of Gays-Lesbaisns-Transgenders & anyone, whose sexual identity does not fit the mainstream view of sexuality.
The problem is not with the STATE, or the Laws favourable to the above populations.
But it is some of those state's populations who feel it is their RIGHT & DUTY to castigate any group, or ethnic category, that they feel does not belong, or fit in to their concept of ACCEPTABLE behavior or Orientation.
And that is the issue that we still face in the USA PERIOD!
July 20-2007:
What Is Haiti?
Haiti was once a colony of France. After the Black slaves revolted against their overlords, and got their freedom. They established the FIRST Black African Republic in the western hemisphere.
For years this island country was ruled by a self styled dictator named and called Papa Doc. Who used the traditional African Spiritism called VOODOO, coupled with Catholicism, as his national ideology. This form of celebrating and religious worship became the staple of the Island.
Papa Doc ruled with a Iron Fist for several years (un-opposed), primarily for his feared Ton-Ton Macoutes or Militia Thugs, which he used to suppress any opposition to his rule. At his death, his son and heir Jean Claude or Baby Doc ascended to power. But his rein was short lived. He eventually had to flee Haiti, and sought asylum in France.
Haiti has a population of over 3 million. But seven hundred (700 families), control the wealth of that country, at the impoverishment of the majority or rest of the population. There is no Middle Class. If you are not a member of the wealthy elite class, then you are a pauper or extremely poor indeed.
Haiti's economic problems are indicative of Africans everywhere. Out of colonialism into Self governance or Dictatorship. And this is evident on the continent of Africa, the Caribbean, and the Americas.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
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