Saturday, November 03, 2007

WORD-UP SCROLL-23 & New Orleans Un-finished Business!

November 03-2007:


Remember New Orleans & Louisiana-Hurricane Katrina's Disaster Un-finished Business:

* Trailer Homes were given to many Blacks after the hurricane to live in.

* These trailers have been known to be infected or polluted with harmful chemicals that can cause cancer.

* Black residents of New Orleans after the disaster, were taken or forced to board buses, and taken to different locations forcefully by Black Water Guards and the National Guard.

* Some of these residents were not allowed to have their children with them on the same bus, when they were taken away.

* This obvious quarantine and separation has had severe consequences for Blacks who were poor, illiterate, frightened, and felt hopeless after this tragedy.

* Those Black residents who owned or rented homes or apartments at the time of the disaster, and did not have adequate flood insurance coverage to compensate. Are unable to get financial help from F.E.M.A., and other agencies to rebuild their homes and lives.

* Thousands of Black New Orleans residents would be unable to vote come the next national elections, because they were scattered across this nation deliberately.

* Our political representatives in New Orleans and Louisiana MUST be made to account for this situation. And petitioned to explain PUBLICLY, what efforts are being made to re-locate, or return those former residents who want to return to New Orleans and Louisiana.

These are just some of the major issues that are still not being fully addressed by the authorities in Louisiana & New Orleans.



October 31-2007:


What Does Halloween Mean?

I typed this question on my Browser, and what came up in the menu for answers, still does not adequately explain this American festivity.

* Some answers or most answers claimed, that it is a time when children go from house to house collecting Candy, Chocolates, and other treats, all dressed up in costumes.

* It is celebrated mostly by children historically in many forms. But mostly portrayed as Dead or Frightful beings or Apparitions of the dead, the Crypt, and the Under World.

* But basically most answers claimed that Halloween celebrates the Dead or Deceased.

In some cultures like Japan and Mexico, it is called Ancestral Worship or Ancestral Celebrations.

However, whatever it was or currently is, New Yorkers have been celebrating it via A Road Fiesta or parade, with costumes that portray most or all of the above mentioned aspects. It starts in Greenwich Village-New York City, and ends at 21 St Street in Chelsea. This parade movers along 6th Avenue in West Village-New York City. And each year it seems to attract more revellers who are very creative.

Some of these costumes surely does not reflect the True intent or Theme of this parade!

But that doesn't seem to matter to the organizers or the public spectators either. So long as the costume designers maintain some "Family Friendliness" or Concern, with the styles and amount of SKIN that is exposed.


October 30-2007:


The Advent Of Religion Or Religious Doctrines!

Do you know that from time immemorial, Sages, Gurus, Shamans, Monks, Spirit Healers, & those who profess to have magic, supernatural powers or insight, indulged in the following practices:

* Most smoked or inhaled Ganja, Hash-Hish, Opium, or some other Mind Altering substance.

Under the influence of any Mind Altering drug or substance, the Brain gets confused or is heavily compromised by this intrusion, and the following results.

* Weird experiences with so-called Demons, Gods, Super natural experiences, the hearing of voices, seeing things or people.

* And very often, the feeling after that experience, that you were chosen to prophesy, go on a pilgrimage, teach, protect humanity from their Evil deeds. And to warn humanity of some future Natural destruction or ARMAGEDDON.

Under these circumstances, most religions, or religious philosophies were born, coined, practiced, and promulgated. And many of those who had experienced these things were either castigated as Devils, Evil Doers, Spiritual Healers, Faith Healers, or Saints.

From these scenarios emerged overtime, institutional religious practices, and doctrines.




Whoever Controls The African MIND-Controls The African MINES:

Quote: from Historian Prof. Jeffries-NYU.

This quote basically is saying that today, Africa and African peoples worldwide, must RE-TAKE their Lands, Natural resources, Economies, and Self Image.

These were and is still being bought, cheated, stolen, and bargained for by the Caucasian bankers, entrepreneurs, swindlers, and cons, throughout Africa, The Caribbean, Central & South America, and elsewhere.

A case in point is the following:

* South Africa's Debeer's Diamond mines are still owned and managed by South African European Jews, from the days of APARTHEID.



Some Points To Ponder:

Charlie Brown said the following about being a campaign organizer.

* We do all the work like making the posters, knocking on doors, giving publicity, e-mailing supporters and avery one that matters. All with the intent to make our candidate for elective office look good.

Then the Candidate goes and says something STUPID, and BLOWS away all our collective efforts and hard work.




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