February 08-2008:
How Will The National Agenda Be Coined After The Elections In 2009?
The only way that TRUE national unity, cohesion, and solidarity will be realized by any democratic candidate, hinges on the following:
* The ability to make Latinos, Blacks, Whites, Asians, and others, realize that the social, political, and economic issues are common to each group.
* The ability to bring Blacks, Whites and Latinos to the table, to reconcile our differences of outlook, perspectives, and concerns, so that each group will realize that we cannot make this national agenda possible without each other.
The White and Asian communities see themselves differently in many respects on these same issues, and how to circumvent them as a group. But the Latinos and Blacks are still not fully in synch with each other's concerns. And are yet to see how the similarities can be assimilated.
If Barack Obama is to gain the Latino support and votes if he becomes the democratic nominee, he MUST concentrate on making these inroads nationally as his TOP priority.
February 07-2008:
February 07-2008:
The So Called Obama Girl Is A Media Whore-Liar & A Phony!
The Obama Girl who said that she has a CRUSH on Obama in her video, should be dismissed as a PHONY.
Imagine all of the hype, and fronting that she did on YouTube about her desire and interest.
As far as I am concerned. She should be made history of. She was not registered. And came up with some lame excuse for not doing so.
She is just another OPPORTUNIST, Media Whore, and a LIAR.
Get outa here Obama Girl.
February 07-2008:
February 07-2008:
John Mc Cain Did Not Show Up For The Stimulus Package Voting!
John McCain by refusing to show up to vote for the 'stimulus package,' told the American people that political maneuvering is what matters, against principle and responsibility.
He is also a man with a notorious record for obscenity of speech, and very a abrasive temperament.
A man that is not in tune with mainstream American views pertaining to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. And the URGENCY to bring home our troops from Iraq, and assign them where they can be more effective in serving our country.
That is the John McCain that has shown over and over, that he is a wimp, a liar, and not qualified to lead this country in 2009 as Commander In Chief!
Please Barack-Could We Have Another Two Debates?
Senator Hillary Clinton is so desperate and fearful of losing to Senator Barack Obama. That she is now asking him to have a weekly debate with her.
For heaven's sake! What on earth for?
She was considered the 'inevitable winner' in this campaign. So what is she afraid of now?
Anyway, the American electorate will determine who the democratic candidate for the nomination will be in time!
February 06-2008:
February 06-2008:
Do You Know That The CHICASAW Nation Owned Slaves?
Do you know that the "CHICASAW" nation, an indigenous nation among the many indigenous nations of America, had slaves too.
Yes, this nation (the CHICASAWS), owned several thousands of Blacks for years, long after it was outlawed by the White Americans and the United States Congress. They even refused to free these Black slaves, even when they were told that slavery was now illegal.
So thousands of Black slaves were kept enslaved by these people, for years after the emancipation. Making them illegal aliens, non-citizens, and invisible, to the mainstream society of Black people in the USA.
Not many Black Americans today, even know about this indigenous nation's transgression in America!
Ref: PBS.org report
Ref: PBS.org report
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