The Right To Bear Arms-Whose Right?
June 26-2008:
The Right To Self Protection Is A Core Value Of Americans From It's Founding Fathers!
The US constitution's second amendment caters for the right to bear arms. But I gather that clause was inferring, that states had the right to enlist a militia to bear arms, if that state finds itself under attack from without or within.
The right of every citizen to own a firearm, carry a firearm on his person in public places, or protect himself or herself from attack within the confines of his or her home or personal property, is another thing.
Should this right be taken literally, then anyone who can access a firearm will try to do so, for his or her own self protection. And that takes away the pre-sumption that the state has forfeited the right to protect it's citizenry.
Washing DC has to deal with this new ruling, prescribed by the US Supreme court decision ( 5-4) currently!
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