What Is There To Be Won In Iraq?
July 27-2008:
What Is There To Be Won In Iraq?
The USA went into Iraq to overthrow a dictator named Sadaam Husein. After his defeat, the president George W. Bush said publicly that the mission in Iraq was accomplished.
But today, we still hear the Bush administration, John McCain and others who cherish war, contend that we still have a victory to be achieved in Iraq.
The surge that was introduced, was intended to ease the burden on the troops already there, give the Malaki government some time to get their political, sectarian, and national security apparatus in working order, so that the USA would be able to start contemplating troop withdrawals.
Contributing to the success of the surge were the following:
* The Sunni leadership in the various regions that were aligned to the Al Qaeda elements and insurgents, aligned themselves with the US forces, after they saw how brutal Al Qaeda was treating Iraqis generally. Plus Sheik Muktadar (the shia cleric) who managed Mahdi militia, also asked that they too cease fighting and allow the national security forces, and the Americans to do their security work un-impaired.
Therefore, all of the above factors helped the surge to work so successfully.
But for John McCain and others, to keep saying that the USA must not be to quick to withdraw it's forces from that country. Even when the democratically elected Prime Minister (Malaki), agrees that a sixteen month timelines is reasonable to consider in the withdrawal process.
And that is what Senator Barack Obama has been saying to Americans throughout his campaign. And what John McCain fails to recognize or even consider!
Labels: The Surge In Iraq
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