Tuesday, May 12, 2009

NEWS From My Perspective!

May 12-2009:

Arbitrary Internet Penalty In France!

There is now a law in France to punish anyone who downloads music and movies online three times. If caught, they will be disconnected from accessing the Internet for three years as a penalty.

This law to my mind, is what I call and infringement upon the right to access the Internet for FREE, to download and share music or movies with friends and contacts, by using the strong arm of the law to debar these freedoms.

This Law MUST be fought aggressively online and everywhere, even without France. Because it is only a matter of time, when other governments may be tempted to take similar legal action.

Social Networking & The Elderly!

The elderly in Russia can find themselves alone, and without any social support in their advanced years. And many are living in Homes For The Elderly, supported by the state, but with no one to visit them, or any family or relatives to look forward to or see on a regular basis. Russia's population is dwindling, and the elderly is increasing along with it. 

So one Russian girl came up with the idea of having an online social networking site for the elderly.

This site would advertise the concern for the elderly, who are alone and without relatives to visit or care for them.

And ask viewers to consider adopting one elederly person for onlne or personal visititation. They can also send a mail once per month to the person they chose to sponsor. 

It is felt that these friendship and caring gestures by non-relatives or strangers, can go a long way to bring some happinesss, and the feeling that someone cares, to the Home Confined Elederly citizens.

And so far, it seems to be working too.

Lesbian Couple Refused Marriage In Russia:

So they went back to Canada to do so. Yes, in Moscow, marriage is still recognized as a union between a male and a female. So the authorities did not grant this couple that right. 

However, the two girls have started the debate on this issue in Russia, and with time, stringent advocacy, continuity, and patience, maybe Rusia will be another bastion for Gay men and women to elope legally.



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