AFGHANISTAN-A War Without End!
August 15-2009:
AFGHANISTAN-A War Without End!
The war there cannot be perceived as successful for the following reasons:
The TALIBAN are part of the pre-dominant Ethnic group called the PASTHUNS. This group by and large supported the Taliban since before the war, and still does, to some extent now.
The other ethnic groups there also in many ways, depend on the Taliban for daily sustenance for crops they cannot grow or sell successfully. So they sell their services to the Taliban's insurrectionist policies.
Some Ethnic groups grow the Poppy crop, that is vitally needed for their own sustenance, and to provide the finances for the Taliban group's insurrectionist efforts, to oust all foreign troops from that country.
President Hamid Karzai has finally come to realize that his governance cannot survive, much less thrive without the inclusion of some elements of Taliban leadership. Especially in the South, where they are very influential and control; all aspects of that part of the country. Coupled with that reality, are the fact that not all ethnic groups are supportive of his government, and will continue to listen to their War Lord's leadership for directives, and give them support whenever they require same from them.
This is the current reality in Afghanistan. And whoever emerges victorious in the upcoming national elections, govern effectively without pandering to, or catering to all ethnic groups in that country.
After the political victory is assured, the new government MUST ensure that all ethnic groups are represented therein, have representatives regionally in positions of Local Government, so that the Central government will be able to directly influence what if happening in the various regions of the country.
And also ensure that whomever represents the Central Government in Kabul, fully understands to who loyalty is required, and operates transparently, credibly, and without social, religious, ethnic, or political preferences.
Derryck S. Griffith.
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