Legally Binding Global Emissions Pact!

December 22-2009:
Legally Binding Global Emissions Pact!
I disagree with any legally binding Global Emissions Program, for the following reasons:
* Politicians who make proposals and may sign agreements committing their respective countries, may be doing their constituents a disfavor.
* Politicians do not hold Publicly elected office forever. Unless they are Dictators. And even they too are not certain about their longevity.
* Signing any agreement with legal validity will tie the hands of politicians who may or ay not be in office, should they renege on those agreements. Then who is to blame, or be held responsible?
Therefore, I strongly suggest that any Global Emissions Agreement between politicians at any Global Emissions Summit, aught to be taken in "Good Faith."
And the honoring of that agreement should be left to the states concerned.
New York City.
Labels: Global Emmission Agreements
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