The Copiapo Obsolete Copper Mine's Nightmare!
October 13-2010:
The Copiapo Obsolete Copper Mine's Nightmare!
In a state where historically, money and power ruled the roost. And the rich and powerful operated with impunity for decades. This Copiapo obsolete mine should never have been allowed to re-open or operate, after a disaster happened in 2008. This mine, like so many others like it, does not comply with Safety Regulations as prescribed by Legislation.
So when the thirty three miners were trapped after a collapse for over two months, it was no surprise to anyone familiar with the history of mines in this country.
The Miners Were Thought Dead:
After the collapse, no one ever thought that these miners could survive, because there was no escape shaft available for them to escape in case of an emergency. Another one of the inherent disregard for the safety of the miners therein. But their families refused to leave the area until they were found, dead or alive. Which brought the attention of the entire world to their plight.
Rescue Operations:
Rescue operations got under way after weeks of planning, and preparation for the execution of the extraction process for these miners. Which commenced on Tuesday 10-12-2010, with a special contraption or capsule like vehicle, to hoist these miners from the depths of the mine to the surface.
I understand that the Chilean government spearheaded this exercise, coupled with the consultation and expertise of N.AS.A., and several private and government agencies on the best solution to this dilemma.
All Is Well That Ends Well:
The last miner (or #33), was finally extracted on Wednesday 10-13-2010, in reasonably good health, and without any visible physical complications or disabilities.
However, these miners are now left without employment, and possibly no immediate prospects.
I believe that they may be approached as a group or individually to tell their stories for book deals, or movie making deals.
The Chilean government also has to ensure that these men are provided for, at least in the short term, with compensation given to each miner from the Mining Company, for the risk they endured to life and limb.
Or a Class Action Law Suit brought against the company for industrial negligence.
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