Tuesday, February 28, 2006

How Can We Curb HIV In Communities Of Color?

February 27-2006:

Why Is It So Difficult To Arrest The Spread Of HIV
Within The Black & Latino Communities?

When HIV was discovered within the pre-dominantly White Gay community, most people said it was God's penalty to them for their promiscuous lifestyle.

Today the White Gay community was able to bring the spread of HIV to almost a stand still within that community. While the Black & Latino Gay, and Heterosexual communities seem unable to do so. With the on-going HIV prevention education targeted to these communities, and extra funding sometimes, and a national priority to curb the spread of HIV and other STD's in communities of color.

This pandemic is still a number one priority, that advocates feel is still not fully addressed or understood.

What is responsible for this seemingly un-stoppable spread of HIV?

There are several factors that I can identify, which may be contributing to this problem.

* Black & Latinos Gay & heterosexuals, still harbor prejudice towards people who are infected with HIV generally.

* Testing is encouraged within these communities, but how many return for the results. And how many inform their spouses or sexual partners and mates, that they are HIV positive, when discovered.

* Testing regularly is absolutely necessary if you are sexually active. A one time negative result cannot guarantee that you are still HIV free.

* Large numbers of Blacks & Latinos are into the sex work business for several reasons. Some say to earn much needed income, others say the lack of employment, others say they make more money on a daily basis from sex work, than from a regular job, with minimum wages.

* Some youth and adolescence refuse to seek employment, but prefer to sell 'ROCKS' (drugs), in order to make the kind of money that will allow them to have the flashy clothes, and other 'Bling-Bling material vanities,' that enables them to keep in step with the fashion scene.

* Then we have the 'Sex Parties' all over the five boroughs of New York City. This scene is gaining momentum.

I understand that at most of these parties, condoms are visible, and the choice to use or not to use, is left up to consenting individuals. But in climates like this one, I believe that drug use prior to entrance to these parties, may contribute to the inability to practice some form of prevention, in whatever sexual activity you indulge.

* Incidentally, I understand that drug use, and alcohol is not allowed at these parties. But who can validate such claims?

Hypocrisy-Pretense & Complacency:

There is still a lot of hypocrisy, pretense, and complacency when it comes to drug use, alcohol, and other substance use within communities of color. Injection drug use seem to be the preference for many, so 'Heroin addiction' is on the rise. Herpes, and hepatitis are also on the rise within communities of color.

So we have a Trilateral STD problem to deal with generally. No amount of finances will curb or bring this pandemic to an end, so long as we continue to harbor the mentality of complacency, prejudice, discrimination, and self hate. Changing this mindset, and attitude, is up to each and every individual, regardless of whether infected with HIV or not.

The responsibility is upon the shoulders of every individual, to take positive action/s to stop selling ROCKS, Crystal meth, Heroin, and any substance that will harm us mentally, psychologically, economically, socially, and morally.

Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


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