Is Hesbullah Being Defeated?

July 29-2006:
IS Hesbullah Being Defeated?
As I see it, and based on the TV reports from the BBC and our local CNN & Fox news networks.
Hesbullah is alive and well!
Remember, Hesbullah is a political party with a military wing, referred to a it's militia, in Lebanon. And most Lebanese are sympathetic to, and support Hesbullah politically.
So in this conflict with Israel, Hesbullah fighters could call, and are able to recruit from among the Lebanese population, any amount of fighters it needs in this conflict, without any effort.
What Israel has been doing is following the smoke and fire indicators, from rockets fired by Hesbullah. Then send planes to bomb these locations. But I presume that Hesbullah is also aware that Israel is monitoring them, and will strike almost immediately when any rocket/s are fired into Israel.
Therefore, I presume the strategy that Hesbullah is using, is to fire these rockets, and flee underground (LITERALLY). With this sort of guerilla tactics, losses in fighters and equipment, will be minimized by Hesbullah.
So frustrated Israel is bombing Lebanon's infrastructure, and some known offices of Hesbullah. In order (according to them), to defeat or break Hesbullah's strength and ability to operate fully.
This tactic by Israel is proving useless, and is responsible for the thousands of civilians killed in Lebanon, by these bombings. Deliberate or not, the evidence on the ground will validate or invalidate the wisdom, or vendetta of Israel.
I wonder if any international UN force will be able to stop Hesbullah from firing rockets into Israel. Or stop Israel from responding in kind, via flying over the UN forces to bomb Hesbullah.
I Report-You Decide.
Derryck S. Griffith
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
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