Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Legacy Of Foreign Occupation & Colonization!

October 17-2006:

The Legacy Of Foreign Occupation & Colonization:

It is absolutely necessary for me to give an introduction as per the motive of this article. It has been a concern of mine for some time now, and desperately needed an outlet. Therefore, I have decided to make this observation public, especially in the light of current military, and other foreign occupations in sovereign and non-sovereign states like Darfur, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine!

The following situations and experiences, follow the expatriation of most foreign occupations in countries, or states, that may or may not have invited that foreign military, or nation within it's borders. And whenever such foreign occupation takes place, the occupiers complain that collateral expenses, military personnel, economic investments are at stake. And some form of compensation must be given to them, prior, or after their departure, for their involvement or assistance.

But history has shown that these requests are pale in relation to the financial, territorial, and cultural gains obtained in those foreign countries by these occupying countries. And countries who are on the verge of inviting other states to assist them militarily, to put down rebellion, maintain internal peace, or to protect their sovereignty, must be prepared to live with this resulting reality after they have left, for decades to come.

Under foreign occupation, the following reality becomes quite evident. For example:

* A total or partial loss of Indigenous culture or Roots:

* A new National and foreign language/s is entrenched:

* Ethnic divisions, Ethnic strife, and possibly separation results:

* Lack of a National Identity or National Pride results:

* A foreign religion or religious beliefs permeate the entire society:

* Lack of Pertinent Education, Skills, and Technology to develop and Grow Industrially:

* Foreign Ownership or Control of all, or most important Mineral and Natural Resources

* A Puppet Government or Body Politic that caters to the former occupier's interests:

* Self aggrandizement of Local Politicians en-masse:

* And growing opportunistic political leaders, who use any means necessary, to obtain the vote or political power:

It is absolutely VITAL to have all foreign Troops, Military Personnel, and Civilian Technocrats leave as soon as possible!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.



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