How Could The US Save Face In Iraq?
November 13-2206:
How Could The US-Save Face In Iraq?
We have been hearing prior to and after the Democrats have attained the majority in the House & Senate, that our troops should be removed in segments during a specified period of time. And that the government of Iraq must take full control of their national security and stability. And not continue to depend of US and other coalition muscle to assist them in that regard indefinitely.
So the questions to follow these proposals aught to be the following:
* Does the Iraqi National army have the necessary military hardware, munitions, and officer personal to do the job effectively, and successfully?
We have been hearing prior to and after the Democrats have attained the majority in the House & Senate, that our troops should be removed in segments during a specified period of time. And that the government of Iraq must take full control of their national security and stability. And not continue to depend of US and other coalition muscle to assist them in that regard indefinitely.
So the questions to follow these proposals aught to be the following:
* Does the Iraqi National army have the necessary military hardware, munitions, and officer personal to do the job effectively, and successfully?
* Are the US willing to furnish the Iraqi army the required military hardware do so successfully, and if so how soon?
* And if this phased withdrawal is agreed upon by the US and Iraqi governments, when will it go into effect?
Currently, the Iraqi's are using mediocre military vehicles, and other hardware to get around that country, that is totally inadequate to repel the insurgents in an effective manner. You cannot use land rovers, and small vans to pursue an enemy that has rockets, hand grenades, and other missiles that could obliterate those vehicles in an instant, to do that job!
Currently, the Iraqi's are using mediocre military vehicles, and other hardware to get around that country, that is totally inadequate to repel the insurgents in an effective manner. You cannot use land rovers, and small vans to pursue an enemy that has rockets, hand grenades, and other missiles that could obliterate those vehicles in an instant, to do that job!
* And if the US is truly committed to ending this insurgency, and for stability in the entire country of Iraq, they MUST provide the Iraqi Army, and Police with the tools to do the job.
As Sir. Winston Churchill said during World War-2, as the Germans were ravishing the City of London, Quote: "Give Us The Tools-And We Will Finish The Job." He was asking the Roosevelt Administration in Washington at that time for this assistance!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
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