Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Give Us The Tools To Finish The Job-Maliki:

January 30-2007:


Could The Iraqi Army-Police & Other Security Services Bring & Maintain Peace?

Let me reiterate what I have said in my previous writings!
* The Iraqi Army and Police does not have adequate munitions, and other fire power that could adequately prevent or deter the insurgents indefinitely.
* These forces have fought well in the past, despite their inadequate tools. But they must always call on the US forces to help, whenever the circumstances become so grave for them, while engaging the insurgents.
This is as a result of the in-adequate munitions that they currently have at their disposal. President George W. Bush promised to furnish the Iraqi government with better equipment, but have not been in any hurry to deliver!
However, I believe that the Bush administration does not want to provide equipment or munitions, that may be used against the US forces in this conflict, or in the future. And there is no certainty that the political outcome eventually, will result in the government's ability to maintain permanent stability and peace, without depending upon one of it's neighbors for military hardware, and assistance.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


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