August 15-2007:
Hugo Chavez Said-Give Me More Power:
President Hugo Chavez said 'give me more power' by amending the National Constitution.
And I will give more power to the people.
History has shown that such rhetoric made by Socialists and other dictators, ends up giving more power to the DICTATOR eventually.
And that is what Hugo Chavez is hoping for. I don't know how intellectually sophisticated the Venezuelans are.
But should he get the power he seeks. Woe to all Venezuelans in the near future, when he starts to enforce his personal so-called Socialist policies.
August 14-2007:
New Body Fat Measurement Revealed:
Traditionally, it was felt that the distribution of the Mass Body Fat, measured from the waist upwards to the chest, is no longer valid.
According to the BBC today. a new scientific report has declared the following contradictions.
* The measurement around 'the stomach/ navel' should be Lesser in circumference than from 'around "the Widest section of the Hip."
If the Mid-section of the belly is Wider or Larger than the Widest section of the Hip.
That is an indicator that you are likely to suffer from heart problems, diabetes-2, and other related cholesterol problems.
Therefore, it seems to me now that those who have HIV & AIDS, and is on medication for the HIV virus suppression, will not be qualified for the following reasons.
* Most HIV positive people who are on medication for the virus, continues to have large stomachs, due to Gas, or Bloating, and a build up of Fat around the waistline.
Doing rigorous exercises helps most of these people very little. The reduction of fat around the waistline is a perpetual struggle with HIV & AIDS patients. So this new revelation is a DAMPER for most HIV positive people on medication. Thus adding to the already multitudinous fears that they live with day after day!
August 14-2007:
The Reason For Black Male Incarceration Worldwide:
The Police Force as an institution internationally, has always been or assisted in the demise of the Black male psyche or soul.
It was and is still being used for the same psychological detriment of Blacks worldwide.
It was used very skillfully in Apartheid South Africa during the White supremacy rule by Botha, to suppress, incarcerate, beat up, and harm Blacks throughout that country with impunity.
Today it is still being used in The USA, Britain, Africa, the Caribbean, and other countries, for the same objective.
* Because the Black male is a perceived threat to those White and Brown men in power around the world.
* We are perceived as a threat to their so-called masculinity.
* A threat to their sense of manhood.
* And a threat to their women's fantasies, about what is would be like sexually, to be with a Black man.
I rest my case!
August 13-2007:
Let it be known that those who advocate for the prevention of Snitching on criminals. They are promoting CRIME, IGNORANCE, and the Code Ethics For Criminal Activities.
No Law Abiding, Honest, and Civil conscious person, would refuse to co-operate with the authorities for the arrest of Rapists, Drug Dealers, Serial Killers, Muggers, etc, that is at large and pose a threat to our communities and families.
August 12-2007:
How Prepared Can You Be For The College Experience?
College is not anything like your High School years. College is an institution for Higher Learning, and the FREE expression and exploration of IDEAS, learned and incorporated.
Colleges are supposed to help you understand the REAL WORLD'S economic, political, and international institutions. Thus paving the way for you to make 'informed decisions' in every aspect of your post college years, and adulthood.
So my friend, take your time and wait until you get there, to familiarize yourself with the institution's many departments, faculties, and fellow students.
And the Freshman year is the time to do these Preliminary things.
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