Torture Of Any Kind Is Wrong-Evil & Inhumane:
December 11-2007:
Torture Of Any Kind Is EVIL-WRONG & INHUMANE:
Tonight I watched a clip on the BBC news of one notorious aspect of 'Water Boarding,' a form of torture that the US is accused of using at Guantanamo Bay. This form of torture is done in the following manner:
Tonight I watched a clip on the BBC news of one notorious aspect of 'Water Boarding,' a form of torture that the US is accused of using at Guantanamo Bay. This form of torture is done in the following manner:
A prisoner or suspected terrorist prisoner is dunked by his head, face done in water. With his or her mouth covered to make the prisoner feel that he or she is about to be killed or drowned.
The US torture advocates claim that this method has brought some positive results or information, about plots or terrorist planned activities from some of these prisoners.
Any fool could deduce why such forms of torture will bring the 'so called' positive information.
If someone under those circumstances is being tortured via this means, or even by extremely loud noise all night in his or her cell, causing sleep deprivation, or threats to kill his or her relatives or families. What do you think that victim will say. But what his torturers want him or her to say?
I believe and I feel that most rational, humane, or civilized human beings will never accept torture of any kind, to extract information from any prisoner. These things were done by Adolph Hitler's Nazi & SS torturers, Colonel Pol Pot (former dictator of Cambodia, Idi Amin of Uganda (former dictator of Uganda), and many more well known dictators and despots worldwide.
Allowing this or any other form of torture to continue, is allowing governments and their secret security agencies to conduct any form of torture that they feel will bring the desired results.
Derryck S. Griffith.
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