April 22-2008:
Be Very Mindful With Whom You Choose!
In order for these candidates to deliver on the promises made during this campaign. The democrats MUST have a MAJORITY in The House & Senate.
If we end up nominating Hillary Clinton, and if she wins the general election later this year, and does not deliver a majority in both houses.
Then we will be back to the Clinton era, where we still have not had a majority in both houses. Therefore, will not be able to get the important bills passed into law.
Even though we may have a democrat in The White House!
So be very thoughtful fellow democrats and Independents with your choice for the presidency. Or we may have dey-ja-vue all over again for another four years!
Will Hillary Clinton Drop Out If She Looses Pennsylvania?
Hillary Clinton will not drop out of this campaign, because she still gets financial support for her campaign from those who like her, feel that she still has a chance of getting the nomination.
Talk about un-realistic!
But this is the mentality of her financiers and hard core supporters.
April 22-2008:
Defining The Presidency & The commander In Chief!
It seems like the media and Hillary Clinton is placing more emphasis on the role of "The Commander In Chief," without defining the criteria for qualification!
* The Commander In Chief of the US armed forces, is embodied in the person or the president. That is his or her role over the US Armed
Services, in war and in peace.
* The president is the Chief Administrator in the White House, which is based in Washington-DC. He or she is responsible for US foreign affairs, the State Department, the appointing of Judges for the Supreme Court, and vets all legislation that passes the House and Senate after ratification.
These roles are equally important, and the person who is elected to the office of the presidency, does not necessarily have to have a military or business background!
Therefore, none of these candidates have the experience, or held that position before. Nor did they have the opportunity to appoint any Supreme Court Judge. So the question of vetting, or relevant experience outlined by Hillary Clinton is "FALSE" and self-serving!
April 20-2008:
The US Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of The Death Penalty!
The US Supreme Court has ruled 7-2 on the continuation of the Death Penalty by lethal injection. This comes after a moratorium was put in place pending their decision.
The US is still the only major or developed country that still uses capital punishment!
April 20-2008:
The Political Position Of Satyagraha!
Means and ends:
The theory of satyagraha sees means and ends as inseparable. The means used to obtain an end are wrapped up and attached to that end.
Therefore, it is contradictory to try to use unjust means to obtain justice, or to try to use violence to obtain peace. As Gandhi wrote: "They say, 'means are, after all, means'. I would say, 'means are, after all, everything'. As the means so the end..."
The Essence Of Satyagraha:
Is that it seeks to eliminate antagonisms without harming the antagonists themselves, as opposed to violent resistance, which is meant to cause harm to the antagonist. A Satyagrahi therefore does not seek to end or destroy the relationship with the antagonist, but instead seeks to transform or "purify" it to a higher level.
April 19-2008:
Things Are The Way They Are-For No Obvious Reason!
Maybe in the universal scheme of things, there is no purpose or meaning to anything.
What we as humans perceive as meaningful or meaningless, are so because we think it to be so.
But nature may not have a meaning or purpose behind all that we see or perceive to be.
Maybe things are the way they are for no obvious reason whatever.
Therefore, let us enjoy and preserve this planet. And ensure that it survives for as long as we can, until it could no longer sustain us nor itself as a planet.
Just Accept & Bless!
Be Very Mindful With Whom You Choose!
In order for these candidates to deliver on the promises made during this campaign. The democrats MUST have a MAJORITY in The House & Senate.
If we end up nominating Hillary Clinton, and if she wins the general election later this year, and does not deliver a majority in both houses.
Then we will be back to the Clinton era, where we still have not had a majority in both houses. Therefore, will not be able to get the important bills passed into law.
Even though we may have a democrat in The White House!
So be very thoughtful fellow democrats and Independents with your choice for the presidency. Or we may have dey-ja-vue all over again for another four years!
Will Hillary Clinton Drop Out If She Looses Pennsylvania?
Hillary Clinton will not drop out of this campaign, because she still gets financial support for her campaign from those who like her, feel that she still has a chance of getting the nomination.
Talk about un-realistic!
But this is the mentality of her financiers and hard core supporters.
April 22-2008:
Defining The Presidency & The commander In Chief!
It seems like the media and Hillary Clinton is placing more emphasis on the role of "The Commander In Chief," without defining the criteria for qualification!
* The Commander In Chief of the US armed forces, is embodied in the person or the president. That is his or her role over the US Armed
Services, in war and in peace.
* The president is the Chief Administrator in the White House, which is based in Washington-DC. He or she is responsible for US foreign affairs, the State Department, the appointing of Judges for the Supreme Court, and vets all legislation that passes the House and Senate after ratification.
These roles are equally important, and the person who is elected to the office of the presidency, does not necessarily have to have a military or business background!
Therefore, none of these candidates have the experience, or held that position before. Nor did they have the opportunity to appoint any Supreme Court Judge. So the question of vetting, or relevant experience outlined by Hillary Clinton is "FALSE" and self-serving!
April 20-2008:
The US Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of The Death Penalty!
The US Supreme Court has ruled 7-2 on the continuation of the Death Penalty by lethal injection. This comes after a moratorium was put in place pending their decision.
The US is still the only major or developed country that still uses capital punishment!
April 20-2008:
The Political Position Of Satyagraha!
Means and ends:
The theory of satyagraha sees means and ends as inseparable. The means used to obtain an end are wrapped up and attached to that end.
Therefore, it is contradictory to try to use unjust means to obtain justice, or to try to use violence to obtain peace. As Gandhi wrote: "They say, 'means are, after all, means'. I would say, 'means are, after all, everything'. As the means so the end..."
The Essence Of Satyagraha:
Is that it seeks to eliminate antagonisms without harming the antagonists themselves, as opposed to violent resistance, which is meant to cause harm to the antagonist. A Satyagrahi therefore does not seek to end or destroy the relationship with the antagonist, but instead seeks to transform or "purify" it to a higher level.
April 19-2008:
Things Are The Way They Are-For No Obvious Reason!
Maybe in the universal scheme of things, there is no purpose or meaning to anything.
What we as humans perceive as meaningful or meaningless, are so because we think it to be so.
But nature may not have a meaning or purpose behind all that we see or perceive to be.
Maybe things are the way they are for no obvious reason whatever.
Therefore, let us enjoy and preserve this planet. And ensure that it survives for as long as we can, until it could no longer sustain us nor itself as a planet.
Just Accept & Bless!
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