May 12-2008:
The Lebanese Dilemma!
The political situation in Lebanon is very grave. That country has not yet appointed a Head Of State or President. Because of the different political factions that cannot agree on most issues.
Syria became unpopular some years ago, after allegedly killing a popular Lebanese leader.
Hesbullah a Shia Moslem faction, and supporter of Hamas in Palestine, are labelled terrorists. This position was solidified when Hesbullah fought Israel at the Lebanese border, when the captured two Israeli soldiers, which resulted in Israeli incursions into
This conflict ended with Hesbullah claiming victory, even though thousands were killed, infrastructure worth billions were destroyed by Israeli bombs. And to date, the two captured Israeli soldiers have not surfaced, or surrendered to Israel by Hesbullah.
The Crowning Barack Obama By The Media!
The Crowning Barack Obama By The Media!
There is not impropriety implied when the local media indicates that the democratic race is almost ended.
This assumption was and is based on the number of pledged delegates, acquired delegates, the most popular votes, the most states won, and now a lead in super delegates to Senator Barack Obama.
These are FACTS that anyone could see and understand.
Is West Virginia That Important In The General Elections?
Is West Virginia That Important In The General Elections?
West Virginia may not necessarily vote for a democratic candidate who is non-White. There is a history in that state of White supremacy and the KLU-KLUX-KLAN.
That said, sometimes you have to sacrifice one for the many. And that means one state lost, for the gain of 49 states that we could win BIG TIME.
The Spiritual Balance Have Been Disturbed!
The Spiritual Balance Have Been Disturbed!
Some theologians or believers in Karma may speculate upon the current atrocities in Burma and China, as the effects of years of social indifference, aggression towards those they do not appreciate within, and the non-recognition of the spiritual leader of Tibet.
Unlike Burma, China has billions of people. And the armed forces have millions of enlisted men and women, many of whom are called or respond to natural disaters like this one. So China and the Chinese people, will fare much better than their neighbors in Burma overall.
Whatever the spiritual reason/s for these current global and natural phenomena, is worth serious contemplation!
Labels: ViewPoint-16
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