May 28-2008:
Scott McClellan-The White House Whistle Blower!
White House Press Secretary, 2003-2006
As Assistant to the President and White House Press Secretary, Scott McClellan served as the primary spokesperson for the President and delivered the daily White House briefing.
Prior to joining the White House staff, he served as the traveling press secretary for the Bush-Cheney 2000 campaign.
Mr. McClellan began working as a gubernatorial spokesman for then-Governor Bush in early 1999.
Previously, he served as chief of staff to a Texas state senator, worked on grassroots issue outreach in Texas, and managed three successful campaigns for statewide office.
Mr. McClellan is a native of Austin, Texas. He received his bachelor’s degree in government from the University of Texas.
This individual claims in his book that is soon to be on the shelves, that he was misled, or given false information by George W. Bush's advisors.
So in order to clear his name and clarify the propaganda that he allowed himself to sell to the American public, by making the case for war with Sadam Hussein. He had to come clean with this new revelation of a coverup.
This guy is the dumbest 'whistle blower' I have ever heard of. Why did he not bring this revelation to the public much sooner when it mattered, and could have made a difference?
I believe that this guy just want to make some money with his book, and hopes that this information (true or false), will induce the possibility for a windfall of buyers.
How pathetic!
May 27-2008:
May 27-2008:
Jimmy Carter's Loose Lips!
Former president Jimmy Carter has spilled the beans about Israel, The UK, The USA, and Russia's nuclear stockpile.
Some say has had no right to do so, as a former US president who was privy to such matters.
But how could anyone suppress a civilian for freely speaking his mind, even though he is a former US president.
That is the question for those who feel he ought to shut up, will have to think about!
A Reality Check For Those Who Are Curious!
Some White folks say that they can never fathom Black
folks. Why they feel so cheated, frustrated with their lot, and always 'seemingly' angry with Whites.
But here is the problem with most White people:
* Whites were brought up in a system that caters to their every need, aspirations, hopes, and survival.
* Even those Whites that don't really care about all that. Still know inwardly, that regardless of what they do.
Their fellow Whites and the system, have their back always!
So when you are brought up in a system that makes you feel a sense of entitlement. You can never understand fully, why those that are not so privileged, have qualms with it!
It Is Not Michael-David Or John:
There was a time in America, especially if you are a new arrival on these shores, and your first name does not sound mainstream.
You were expected to change it, less you stand out too much.
Some Kruger's became Kevin.
Some Haniff's became Harold:
Some Maya's became Mary.
Today it is cool to be BARACK OBAMA.
We have come a long way people, and we still have some ways to go yet!
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