No Income-No Life In America!
July 26-2008:
No Income-No Life In America!
For those of you contemplating coming to live in the USA. Here are some facts to think about:
* To survive or live in the USA, you MUST have a job or employment.
* If you are not employed, chances are you will lose your home or apartment, from eviction.
* Land Lords or Rented Home Owners will not allow you to owe them rent for the past month, after three days in arrears.
* From the fourth day, expect to come home and find that your door lock has been changed. And you are looked out of your apartment.
* On the fifth day, if you are still unable to come up the full amount of rent, your things will be removed from that apartment and placed on the sidewalk outside.
* They hardly ever allow you to remove your stuff in your own time. To most Land Lords, that apartment has to be cleared, cleaned, and made available SOON, for the next waiting tenant available.
* And the Court hardly ever have empathy for tenants. They may give a tenant three months to find alternative accommodation. After three months, some Judges may extend that time to six months. And if at the end of the extended time, you are still unable to find alternative accommodation. The Land Lord have the right to EVICT you!
These are the facts of life here in America. So take note!
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