The Schism Within The Dalai Lama's Movement In Tibet!
August 13-2008:
The Schism Within The Dalai Lama's Movement In Tibet!
Today there is a great divide among the Dalai Lama's followers, and those who oppose his form of rulership, theology, and politics. The Dalai Lama left Tibet fifty years ago, when the Communists overran Tibet. He took refuse in India, and from there administers to followers there, and in Tibet.
Most Tibetans who grew up under Communist rule, were not allowed to study the Dalai Lama's form of Buddhism, or even know who or what he is to the Tibetan people and region. Most of the young people have no spiritual or political connection with him, because of their Communist orientation and bias. So it would be almost impossible for the Dalai Lama to get them to recognize him as their spiritual leader, and political head of government in exile.
In fact, most young Chinese Tibetans believe that the Dalai Lama is a traitor, Anti-China, Anti-Communist, and aught to be imprisoned for defying the legitimacy of Chinese Communist rule of Tibet. With this internal schism within Tibet and India, among the Dalai Lamas followers, and those who distrust him. Have caused some concern for the future of the Dalai Lama, and how to convince the Chinese government in terms of giving Tibet autonomy, internal governance, and freedom of religion.
Even after the Dalai Lama himself denounced all those Tibetan Buddhist lamas, who refuse to recognize him as their spiritual and political leader!
Labels: Tibet Independence
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