NEWS From My Perspective!
May 21-2009:
President Obama Defends His Position On National Security!
* President Obama emphasized that his administration will house those suspected inmates of Gyantanamo Bay facility who are found guilty, but cannot be sent back to their homeland, in a maximum security or (SuperMax prison), right here in the USA.
* Keeping Military Commissions that were enhanced to comply with proper Legal Jurisprudence, and Habeas Corpus, will be used to serve those who are in Gyantanamo Bay Facility.
* Those that cannot be prosecuted and may not have enough valid evidence to convict them, but expressed their perpetual desire to kill Americans everywhere if or when released.
* Will not be released, or sent back to their country for trial or incarceration therein.
We will not allow ourselves to release information that compromise America's National Security.
* We will not prevent the disclosure of any information or behavior (words to that effect), of this or any other administration that violated the law, or embarrassed that administration.
* All government agencies that are involved in classified information release or oversight, will be reviewed, and co-ordinated, so that if or when necessary, the checks and balances that our legal system espouses are observed at all times.
Finally, as far as I observe this president and administration will not seek to get redress for any wrong doing from the previous administration, implied or expressed. President Obama would prefer (if need be), that the Attorney General's Office seek to do so, if it deems necessary under the law.
Why Is Dick Cheney Getting So Much TV Time?
Former Vice President Dick Cheney is getting television time by all local media, on a regular basis, VOLUNTARILY.
And yet, these media personnel is asking WHY is Dick getting so much air time?
How pathetic.
Could A New S.A.L.T Agreement Be Reached?
If the US and Russia is to agree on a renewal of the above treaty, the following MUST be agreed upon:
* A drastic limitation of the current missiles (both nuclear and I.C.B.M's) in their stockpile.
* Russia, the USA, and N.A.T.O. MUST be partners in any European Early Warning System, that the USA and her allies may be contemplating.
* If they do not include Russia in this idea and planning process, then Russia will continue to do what it feels necessary to protect a seeming threat to it's borders, or sphere of influence.
* And the continuation of the formerly agreed upon regular inspections of all nuclear sites, stockpiles, and infrastructure, currently in use or available.
These four positions are of vital importance in the continuation and/renewal of any S.A.L.T. agreement for the future.
Incidentally, the current agreement expires in December of this year!
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