A Single Globally Recognized-Accepted & Preferred Currency For Exchange Purposes!

September 08-2009:
A Single Globally Recognized-Accepted & Preferred Currency For Exchange Purposes!
Here is another suggestion by some of the world's Influential Financiers, and Caucasian World Leaders, suggesting this concept, with the view that with such currency firmly in place, could prevent another or similar Global Financial Crisis, like the one we are now experiencing.
The upcoming G-20 Summit of political leaders will be discussing this idea to some extent supposedly. And I wonder if those who advocate for a Global Financial Currency for Foreign Exchange Purposes, fail to realize that it was not the foreign currency of any one country that caused this crisis.
It was the GREED, the SCAMS, the Irrational Risks taken by Bankers, Investors, Traders, and Greedy Brokers, who felt they knew how to Scam the works, Make A Killing for themselves and their clients. Until their Calculated Risks went awry.
Now they want to re-invent the wheel, to facilitate themselves once more, in acummulating more wealth, more control of the world's wealth, and more Concentrated Greed in the hands of those like themselves (mostly White men), who never seem to be satisfied with spreading the wealth.
But is bent of acquiring more and more wealth for themselves, their kind, and their communities.
Here are a few ideas related to your post. The Tobin Tax is a tax on trades of currencies across borders. The idea has been around since 1971. Back in the Post WWII days the economist Keynes proposed the Bancor a type of international currency for cross boarder trade to encourage trade justice. I'm no economist, but the problems such approaches address are real and need solutions. I think the Tobin Tax is a good idea.
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