A Needs Assessment For Haitians After The Earthquake Disaster This Week!

January 14-2010:
A Needs Assessment For Haitians After The Earthquake Disaster This Week:
President Barack Obama said in an address to the nation of Haiti, The World, and the American people, the following:
You Will Not Be Forsaken. The USA & the World Is With You All The Way.
USA & World Assistance Arrives:
You Will Not Be Forsaken. The USA & the World Is With You All The Way.
USA & World Assistance Arrives:
The USA military Navy, Marine Corps, Civilian Organizations, Medical personnel, and others are arriving en mass at this time at the Haitian airport and seaport. Vast amount of medical supplies, medical personnel (doctors nurses, medics), ad other related personnel are also included.
Food Packages, Water, Rescuing Machinery and other related equipment, Security personnel, Telecommunications personnel to help reinstall electricity and other technologies needed for international communications are also on board.
Rescuing the Trapped & Injured:
Rescuing the Trapped & Injured:
This is going to be a methodical and massive task. Because most of the trapped are under heavy layers of concrete and other rubble. And can only be reached (mostly) with heavy moving machinery, which is also under way. The roads throughout the city of Port Au France is almost impassable in most places. And it is in the cities where the bulk of the affected population is settled, and needs the most urgent attention and assistance.
Burying The Dead:
I don't know if or when burials can seriously take place in this national confusion and some chaos. But i presume that the normal claim of bodies by relatives are non-existent, because both categories may be difficult to identify, and even find.
So Mass Graves or Cremation may be the way to go, in order to alleviate the stench from the already decaying carcass laying in the open spaces on the streets. And those that are dead, and are trapped under the rubble in large numbers.
Distributing Food-Shelter-Clothing & Water To Citizens:
This is going to be a very challenging experience, for the following reasons.
* People are desperately hungry, thirsty, dirty, messy, stink, angry, and desperate for help of all kinds.
* Being able to get people to wait in line to collect essentials may be problematic.
* Hungry and desperate people are not necessarily inclined to be patient either.
Security & Policing The Townships:
I don't know if the local police are still in charge, equipped to deal with this situation, or is even still able to do policing at this time. So the US and her allies there, will have to implement (with the Haitian government's approval), temporary policing of the streets, ports, townships, and distribution centers. Until some Official Order is established by the Haitian authorities.
To Be Continued.
New York City.
New York City.
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