When The Media Is No Longer Fair & Balanced!

February 10-2010:
When The Media Is No Longer Fair & Balanced!
When the local TV, Radio, and Other media outlets are not being Fair and Balanced in their reporting of the facts. Then all viewers must refrain from listening to them, or watching these outlets spew filth, lies, propaganda, and political bias, as an excuse for Fair News Reporting.
The Iraq Incursion:
When George W. Bush and Tony Blair colluded to sell the untruths of Saddam's so-called Weapons of Mass Destruction. Knowing fully well from the Intelligence collected at the time, that there was no SOLID evidence to support that claim. And yet they told their commonweal that Armageddon was imminent from Saddam's region.
The local media took this information, did no research on their own as they should have, and begun to sell the idea that the War mongering politicians in The White House and Number-10 Downing Street was espousing. Even after the invasion and overthrow was accomplished, and no WMD's were found, these two leaders are still saying that they would have done the same thing, with the information they had at the time.
The Commission Of Enquiry In Britain:
This commission was set up to enquire from the parties involved in the planning, preparation, and selling of that war. Tony Blair's fellow cronies are all basically saying, that they were misled into believing that Saddam truly had WMD's in his possession, and was capable of using them at anytime.
Except for Tony Blair who still contends that they (The US & Britain), did the right thing to invade and overthrow that regime of Evil. Disregarding the thousands of civilians that died, the hundreds of UK and US military personnel that died, were maimed, and will never be able to live a normal life ever, when they return to civilian life again.
Could An Inquest Be Held Against George W. Bush & His Administration?
This does not seem possible in the USA. This so-called democracy has yet to hold their political leadership accountable for anything wrong that they did, much less allow them to Face The Fire in a Public Enquiry.
And the current Obama administration does not want to pursue that end either. So we can expect some time in the future, the same circumstance that drove us into another foreign war, to recur!
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