Could America's Two Party Political System Be Changed?
March 04-2010:
Could America's Two Party Political System Be Changed?
There is some concern, especially currently about the possibility of a third Political Party or Independent Candidate getting elected to The White House in the near future. This to mind stems form the recent polls taken that show a growing and disgruntled populace against the current political administration in Washington-DC, (both parties), and the loss of three states that the Democrats had won in the general election of 2008.
Ralph Nader, and Ron Paul are two individuals who have been trying to get mass support, but have never been able to garner that support, to allow them a majority for the presidency. And it seems like they are using the current political and economic climate to push for a third Independent candidate to challenge the Democrats and the Republicans, at the next general election.
Barack Obama Has Failed To Deliver On His Promises:
* Barack Obama said during his campaign for the presidency, that he will close Gyantanamo Bay prison. This has not yet been done, and it may not happen in his first term either.
* Barack Obama promised to end The Don't Ask-Don't Tell Law. This is still being debated, and may not happen in his first term either.
* Barack Obama promised to Bring Home our troops from Iraq & Afghanistan. They are still in Iraq, and the war goes on in Afghanistan, with more troops added too.
* Barack Obama promised to revamp the spying on Americans via telephone wiretapping, the Internet, and other traditional modes of mass communication. This has not be revamped either. In fact, it was enhanced.
* Barack Obama has allowed Cuban Americans with relatives in Cuba to send money there, and to travel. But ONLY Cuban Americans can do so. And the ban or American travel there is still in place.
Barack Obama's Dilemma Currently.
Barack Obama inherited trillions of US dollars in deficit, failing Banks and Insurance companies that threatened to bring down the national economy. So they had to get financial assistance from the state, to save them and the national economy from total collapse.
But the mass of working class people became un-employed, loss their savings, homes and mortgages. While the rescued bankers still got their wish, paid back the bonuses, and has recovered from near bankruptcy. Even Wall Street Investors are now sailing in growing profits, and secured investments (thanks to the rescue package), while most Americans can hardly eat or pay the rent.
Unemployment is growing, and the current un-employment figure is 9.5%, (more or less).
So What Could Ralph Nader Or Ron Paul Do To Make It Better?
Both of these men are also part of the political system and problem. Both are politicians who do not have any mandate or proposals that would allow Americans to give them the chance to govern in Washington-DC. And even if one of them got elected to the presidency, the House and Senate may not have their majority support or representatives, that would allow them to make the necessary changes that one could believe in either.
Plus the Military and Business lobbyists still have the money and political clout to buy or influence individual candidates for elective office, or to support any candidate that caters to their needs and concerns.
So the traditional entrenched mindset, financial support and influence of Big Business, and the Military Contractor's Lobbyists are still powerful for any elected president or Congress to circumvent, or prevent from influencing decision making in Congress or the Senate.
Will Barack Obama Get Re-elected?
The current political and economic climate indicates that the Democratic Party may lose any general election if it was held right now. Because most Americans see no immediate financial help coming their way, to want to go out and vote again for the Democrats. And with current un-employment levels as they are, may be the reason why the Democrats may not be in the majority anymore, at the next general election.
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