Saturday, October 29, 2005

The Destruction Of Black Civilization!


The legacy of Chancellor Williams in:
The Destruction of Black Civilization:
Deborah Gabriel // Copyright ©
Dr Chancellor James Williams was born in Bennettsville, South Carolina on 22 December 1898 to a father who had once been a slave and a mother who was a cook, nurse and evangelist.
After receiving an undergraduate degree in Education and a master's degree in History from Howard University, Williams became a visiting research scholar at Oxford University and the University of London in England.
However, it was William's research in African history at Ghana University in West Africa in 1956 that was the beginning of his focus on ancient African civilizations and achievements. In 1964 he looked at 26 countries and more than 100 language groups.
Renowned as a novelist, historian, author and university Professor, Williams is best remembered for his epic work: The Destruction of Black Civilization: Great Issues of a Race from 4500BC to 2000 AD which we will now look at.
Williams motivation for writing 'The Destruction of Black Civilization' stemmed from his belief that white scholars always told the history of Africa as a tale of Arabs and Europeans but never included Africans in Africa.
In his book he asserted that Black kings and pharaohs of Upper Egypt were erased out of history and African names were replaced with Arabic ones.
According to Williams's research the history of the Black race began in Ethiopia and Sudan (formerly southern Ethiopia). The meaning of Sudan is 'land of the Blacks' just as Egypt was once called 'land of the Blacks'.
In ancient times Upper Ethiopia became rich in food production and "stirred the envy of Asia and Europe which caused migrants from these continents to settle in Africa."
Asian and European occupation of the seacoasts of North Africa was easy and first welcomed by the indigenous Black population as trading opportunities but then poor nomads started to flood the most fertile and accessible areas in North Africa.
According to Williams the weaker and more submissive Blacks remained in Asian-occupied territory and became slave labourers. The sexual trafficking of Black women produced a new breed of Afro-Asians who were classed as white or Asian, but not as Black people.
Williams writes that many of the mixed race Africans objected to identification as Black and became known as Egyptians. These mixed race Africans joined with their Asian fathers to enslave Blacks until all of North Africa fell into their hands.
The Asians and Europeans took over the best quarter of African land, the most fertile and inhabitable, leaving the remaining three quarters of virtually uninhabitable land to the indigenous Africans:
"[They] became a wandering people, forever migrating in their own vast homeland, fragmenting from great united nations into countless little splinter societies, considering themselves quite different from their original brothers who were then regarded as strangers and enemies in the endless wars that ensued."
According to Williams the Blacks had everything the world wanted: "gold, diamonds, ivory, copper, iron ore and themselves."

Black achievements in ancient Africa
One of the most significant aspects of William's book is the way in which he corrects centuries of racism that saw white archaeologists and historians seek to deny the presence of African civilization even when the evidence was overwhelming.
For example, even when Sneferu's Black Queen Mertitefs was found by archaeologists she was described as of an inferior race and not of "the high type." The Great Sphinx is the portrait statue of the Black Pharaoh Khafre and his African facial features are quite unmistakeable.
Nekheb was the African Egyptian capital and Thebes and Napata were the cultural centres of the Black world.
It was Black Africans who established the Dynastic system in Egypt about 3100 BC. The chief pyramid builders came from the Fourth Dynasty. Africans also developed one of the oldest written languages. Egyptian is an African language with a later influence similar to Arabic or Swahili.
Early Africans were very religious people and built several religious cities, each one having a special God or Goddess. Many of the temples were more like colleges as different fields of study took place within the temples.
However, Early Greeks and Romans reshaped them making them parts of western culture. Both Europe and Asia seized and transported from Africa as much of the artefacts of its civilization as they could.
As early as the 6th century BC, Cambyses hauled away over $100,000,000 of precious historical materials from Thebes because the Black tombs contained not only historical material but treasures in gold and precious stones.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Communication & Technological Advances:

October 23-2005:
Communication & Technological Advancement:
Do you remember the days when all the news we had access to were from the radio, and how we and our families jostled each other for radio time, to listen to our favorite stories.
The latest pop songs and teenage programs were especially interesting to the young, and they were the medium through which we expressed our teenage crushes, and fantasies, just by listening to our favorite music, anchors, and DJ's.
Those of us who were adventurous sought Pen Pals from abroad. This was a great thing for many of us, because the novelty of having a friend overseas, in another country, someone who we may never meet personally in life, but is able to communicate via Postal Mail, was indeed very stimulating.
Telegrams & telegraph mail was for grownups. It was the thing that adults did to communicate urgent messages about a death in the family, an imminent wedding of a relative, or something that required the consent of a relative urgently. These messages usually cost a few dollars per word. So brevity was necessary, to avoid exorbitant costs.
Then came the television medium. Most of us were marvelled at this phenomenon, and only a few of us in poorer countries, could afford the luxury of owning one of these new and amazing apparatuses. So if our friend/s had one, we snuggled in with them on some special nights, for a family television treat.
This was all done in friendship, and on occasion, to show off on those who could not afford it too!
With the advent of The Internet/Web, communication became instantly international in access. Anyone who was able to own or access a computer with Internet Service, had access to this medium,
and the world was no longer the same anymore.
Today, I bask in the glow or sunshine of this new technology. I scrambled to get a computer as soon as I could afford it. And when I finally had my own computer, sought to get an Internet Provider that I can afford. And the rest is history in the making!
But there are still millions of people who cannot access the Internet. Governments like China's, North Korea, some Arab countries, and Asian countries, statutorily regulate how this medium is used, and what areas of the Web is allowed access by it's populations. Stringent regulations/laws are also enforced, in order to ensure compliance with these Regs/Laws.
So those countries that allow freedom or total access to the World Wide Web, must be
congratulated, and the populations therein, should be always vigilant, to ensure that this privilege/right, is never taken away from them.
Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator & Advocate..

Africa On The Brink Of Self Destruction:

October 23-2005:
Africa sinks deeper & deeper into darkness and dis-illusionment:
Until Africa and Africans as a people, re-kindle the fire that was put out so many decades ago, until they return to the SOUL/Source of their spiritual being, and appease it, they will continue to sink further into depression, degeneration, and decay spiritually, economically, and politically.
The Genesis of our beginnings in Africa, MUST be re-connected spiritually. Every African, male and female must make the effort to re-discover that long lost connection to their individual souls.
And collectively, it will be the determining factor that will bring the continent back from the brink of spiritual, social, political, and economic decay!
Om Shanti.

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