Tuesday, August 25, 2009

IRANIANS Where Are Your So-Called Leaders Now?

August 25-2009:

IRANIANS-Where Are Your So-Called Leaders Now?

When the National Opposition Supporters revolt was taking place, all those who called themselves leaders of the revolt, came on board, and encouraged the resistance to continue.

Now that they have been arrested, and threatened with their lives, they all cringe in FEAR and COWARDICE.

Is this the kind of leadership that NEDA and so many hundreds died for, fought for, and struggled for, during the crisis recently?

Is this the kind of leadership that wants to reform the system or governance in Iran?

Is this the kind of leadership you can believe in, expect to be represented by, and protect you in times of crisis?

I say NO. These so-called leaders are now stomping at the pit, begging for mercy, and trying to save their own skin, at the expense of all those who suffered and believed it was worth the struggle.

SHAME-SHAME-SHAME on you all. You have allowed your own self-interest, self preservation, and family interests, to overshadow something that was and still is bigger than your COWARDLY actions.

All those hundreds of Iranians who took to the streets, believed in what they were doing.

That was why they took the risks they took, believing that their leaders would be there for them at the end.

Now we see Wholesale COWARDICE and weakness, that warrants PITY and REVULSION from all those who supported the revolt internally and globally!

Om Shanti.

Derryck S. Griffith.
New York City.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Governance Through Parity & Inclusion In Guyana!

August 21-2009:

Governance Through Parity & Inclusion In Guyana!

The only way forward for all Guyanese and their political leadership, is to ensure that those who want to represent all of the people, co-op a policy or mandate, that espouses the following:

* A National Political Party that incorporates all Ethnic group's involvement, and encouragement in politics, and national policy.

* A Political Leadership that espouses Parity and Inclusion of ALL Ethnic groups and Representatives, regardless of religious, regional identity, or associations.

* A Political Leadership that does not incorporate elements that were complicit with criminal activities ( known or legally sanctioned) in the past, and did not knowingly encourage separation, ethnic prejudice, or preferences, or ethnic profiling for discriminatory reasons.

* A Political Leadership that has the commonweal's approval via a transparency, free and fair general elections, with the necessary access to

All Media time slots, with Equal Footage, and with some State Funding or assistance towards helping candidates who need it, for the associated expenses that canvassing entails.

* And the assurance that The National Constitution would be respected, not be altered or amended to allow any President or Prime Minister, to extend his/her term in official office.

These are just some of the assurances and policies that any national political party and candidates MUST respect, Encourage, and Adhere to, in order for this nation to move forward.

Derryck S. Griffith.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

NEWS From My Perspective!

August 16-2009:

American Gun Runner For Hire Awaits Fate In Thai Prison!

Notorious Viktor Bout, Suspected Gun Runner, now in a THAILAND prison awaiting trial. Is no different from Blackwater and other contracted killer organizations that work for a price. 

And that America uses in Iraq & Afghanistan, and elsewhere. To do their DIRTY work for them. So what is the BIG FUSS being made of this man who sold guns and other munitions, to states that need them?

Viktor Bout, is a FREE LANCE businessman, and a thorn in the sides of those big corporations that do the same thing, with state contracts. And he was probably getting business that they feel they deserve. In other words, he was providing competition his competitors cannot handle.

So they conspire to have him removed from the scene via their client states, like the USA. Thus this so-called trial ensued. He may be found guilty, pay a fine, and probably serve time. But this just goes to show the hypocrisy of this entire fiasco!


Saturday, August 15, 2009

AFGHANISTAN-A War Without End!

August 15-2009:

AFGHANISTAN-A War Without End!

The war there cannot be perceived as successful for the following reasons: 

The TALIBAN are part of the pre-dominant Ethnic group called the PASTHUNS. This group by and large supported the Taliban since before the war, and still does, to some extent now. 

The other ethnic groups there also in many ways, depend on the Taliban for daily sustenance for crops they cannot grow or sell successfully. So they sell their services to the Taliban's insurrectionist policies. 

Some Ethnic groups grow the Poppy crop, that is vitally needed for their own sustenance, and to provide the finances for the Taliban group's insurrectionist efforts, to oust all foreign troops from that country.

President Hamid Karzai has finally come to realize that his governance cannot survive, much less thrive without the inclusion of some elements of Taliban leadership. Especially in the South, where they are very influential and control; all aspects of that part of the country. Coupled with that reality, are the fact that not all ethnic groups are supportive of his government, and will continue to listen to their War Lord's leadership for directives, and give them support whenever they require same from them.

This is the current reality in Afghanistan. And whoever emerges victorious in the upcoming national elections, govern effectively without pandering to, or catering to all ethnic groups in that country. 

After the political victory is assured, the new government MUST ensure that all ethnic groups are represented therein, have representatives regionally in positions of Local Government, so that the Central government will be able to directly influence what if happening in the various regions of the country.

And also ensure that whomever represents the Central Government in Kabul, fully understands to who loyalty is required, and operates transparently, credibly, and without social, religious, ethnic, or political preferences.

Derryck S. Griffith.


Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Bravado Journalists & The Consequences That Could Ensue!

August 05-2009:

Bravado Journalists & The Consequences That Could Ensue!

Kim Jung IL: Bill, I prefer to deal with you. Not Hillary. She has too much lip, for her own good!

Furthermore, I take back what my people said about her!

However, could any other journalist deliberately/accidentally cross into North Korea's territory and get the same treatment and release?

This scenario tells me quite clearly that those two women did not accidentally cross North Korea's border. They took the risk knowing fully well what they were doing. But hoping to make the entrance, do their spying, and return to the USA to tell the tale.

However, they were caught, and was about to do some 20 years in uncle Kim's Labor camps. 

I hope this sends a message to other bravado journalists to resist such temptations.



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