Sunday, August 29, 2010

The American Dream Was Intended For Whites Only!

August 29-2010:

The American Dream Was Intended For Whites Only!

Definition: The American Dream is a CONCEPT that hinges upon the following values!

* A land of opportunity for all.

* A country where there is liberty, freedom of verbal expression, written, personal, and social dissent that is protected under the constitution.

* A place where families can grow, prosper, send their offspring to college, and provide some financial security for retirement.

* And finally, a country where there is no barrier against personal religion, beliefs, sexual orientation, home ownership, employment equality, political affiliation, or ethnicity.

These are the CORE values and Beliefs that make up the American Dream.

This Dream Was Intended For Whites Only:

Yes, when this so-called dream was envisaged, it was the poor Whites who never had any land of their own, many were sharecroppers, illiterate, and down on their luck. So they felt that if they acquired some land to till and subsequently own. Then they will have something to call their own, and possibly hand down to their children.

Most realized after obtaining these lands that it was labor intensive, so having several children to help on the farm was absolutely vital for success. And this ultimately prevented their children from having a good Primary or Secondary education, because of the need for their help on these farms.

Industrialization & Mass Production:

When the USA became a major player in the manufacturing industries, it helped to propel many into the Middle Class. Because the wages earned therein, helped them save money for their children's college education, and holiday vacations.

And most industries were Unionized. So this too gave the workers bargaining rights/power to fight and win the necessary industrial regulations needed for safety on the job, Worker's Compensation for Injury on the job, and Health Care Benefits too.

Immigrants Also Aspired To This Dream:

The Statue Of Liberty was constructed to sell or represent symbolically the American Dream, which was sold to all those who wanted to come to America to start a new and productive life. The fallacy of finding work easily, getting your own apartment in the Big Cities, and being able to save for A Rainy Day, was the modus operandi that lured immigrants to this country.

Much to their dis-appointment as the true reality hit most of them when they eventually got here.

The Middle Class Is Almost Non-existent:

Today, with the recent Global Economic Crisis the American Middle Class, House Owners, and Mortgage recipients are in crisis. Most have lost their homes, some are on the verge of loosing theirs, and the Banks refuse to lend to anyone who is unable to pay EXORBITANT interests on any loan sought.

Big City Life Is The Reality In Most Developed Countries:

Most people reside in cities today, and most will continue to do so for the following reasons.

* It has most of the infrastructure that provides for easy travel, housing accommodation/rentals, grocery stores, shopping malls/stores, restaurants, movie theaters, and recreational facilities.

* Finding work that is suitable, or making a career of is also vitally necessary to most job seekers.

The suburbs do not offer most of these necessities. And owning a home in the suburbs can be very expensive too. Taxes, traveling expenses to and from work or pleasure, and raising a family therein is what most people who reside there prefer.



Monday, August 09, 2010

Wyclef Jean's Intent To Run For The Presidency Of Haiti!

August 09-2010:

Wyclef Jean's Intent To Run For The Presidency Of Haiti!

This man has the gaul to consider running for the presidency of his country Haiti. At a time when serious contenders, many of whom have some political experience in this regard, that overshadows Wyclef's past experiences.

However, when you consider what Haiti has gone through politically and economically, at home and abroad. It does not surprise me that this young, fresh, in-experienced, and somewhat nieve brother thinks that he can make a difference in the way Haiti is governed in the future.

The challenges ahead are humongous for any serious candidate to consider, much less overcome. The state is in total bankruptcy, the internal infrastructure is almost non-existent, and the national coffers is empty to say the least.

Will he get the total support from all walks of life in Haiti to win the national election for the presidency? I think not at this time! But I admire his gaul and tenacity, for even considering the possibility of success in this venture.



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