Wednesday, June 27, 2007

GoodBye OLE CHAP-It Was So Nice To Have Known You!

Goodbye Ole Chap-It Was So Nice To Have known You!

The Tony Blair & George W. Bush's relationship politically, will be remembered for what it was. They believed in international aggression against what they perceive as, a plot against progressive, and politically FREE Societies/Democracies.
This was evident with the joint view that Iraq had weapons Of Mass destruction, and was also a harborer of terrorist elements. Where they differ, was in the application of military action against terrorist threats worldwide!
Britain unlike the USA, has been a world power for centuries longer than the USA, and has the experience, and know how of dealing with international conflicts, and political systems unlike their own. But only time will tell how both nation's populations will view these two leaders historically!
Now that Tony Blair has been appointed Mediator for Palestinian Affairs. The QUARTET or (the nations that oversee Palestinian Affairs), and the much discussed "Road Map" for the supposed Sovereignty that is its' aim.
On whose payroll is Mr. Blair being paid from?
It is also IRONIC that Iran has the potential to create a nuclear bomb, but does not have an Oil Refinery to process its' crude oil supply!
So they import the refined oil or Gas for all domestic needs. And that costs fortune for that state's economy!


Monday, June 18, 2007

Who Will Be The Next Generation Of Leaders Be?

June 18-2007:

Who Will Be The Next Generation Of Leaders After Iraq & Afghanistan?
America has been sacrificing her young men in huge numbers in wars that have shown the world how shallow we truly are. Currently we are the only country that has a stockpile of nuclear arsenal that can destroy this planet ten times over and still have some to spare.

Yes, we are the world's only REAL Super Power in ARMS. So what are we doing with this DEAD and useless stock of munitions that we cannot use anyhow. If we intend to enjoy our status on this planet, much less live here indefinitely?

Today we are talking about setting up a Missile Deterrent scanner and first response threat reactor in Europe.

As I see it, to deter whom?

* Is this deterrent going to stop Al Qaeda from seeking deadly weapons now or in the future?

And if Al Qaeda is able to get hold of any such weapons.

* How are we or the Super powers going to know when, where, or how they will use this or those weapons?

Come 2008, a new political administrator will obtain The White House. He or she will be at the mercy of his or her party's dictates about the two wars inherited. And the same decisions this current administration faces, he or she will face then.

* Are we going to continue the same political frivolities, petty squabbles, and rancor once more?

* Are we ( I mean the two parties), going to engage in TRUE bi-partisan co-operation in deciding how to leave Iraq and Afghanistan, without having to say we are so sorry, but we must go now!

Meanwhile, the Creme-De-La Creme or our young people, potential leaders of tomorrow, die by the thousands every day in these two wars. Thus robing this nation and the international community of leadership it so desperately needs in the future.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


Sunday, June 17, 2007

Some Misconceptions About Elected Officials:

June 17-2007:

The Mis-conceived View Of Meeting With Elected Officials:

I have been trained as an Advocate. I also attended several meetings with our elected officials, at the State, Local, and Federal levels.
And here are my observations:

* Most elected officials will not meet with advocates or constituents. They very often refer you to their Staff Officer.

* This refusal is based on several factors.

* Some elected officials say they are too busy with officials to meet 'face-to-face' with every constituent of advocate.

* Some say that it is best for the advocate to document their case or issues, and hand them to the Staff Officer at the respective office.

And wait for a call to an interview or appointment. (Which hardly ever comes).
* And most elected officials will hardly accommodate an advocate if he or she is not from their district.

* This conflicts with the understanding that all Americans or constituents are eligible for representation, regardless of whether they voted or not, for any elected official!

* Furthermore, I have found that most elected officials will make time, for any monetary or financial supporter to their campaign, if he or she needs to meet with them.

The Internet is one of the ways to avoid this waste of time, money, and aggravation.

Sending faxes, and making telephone calls about urgent Bills that need to be addressed, are also another avenue to connect with elected officials.

And removing from elected office, any official who has failed to live up to promises, or the prescribed standards of integrity, availability, transparency, and delivery!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


Friday, June 08, 2007

The War On Terror In Afghanistan In 2007!

June 08-2007:

The Current Socio-political & Military Climate In Afghanistan-2007:

This is an insight into the above scenario that exists today in Afghanistan, as seen personally by a journalist who has been there three times already, and is now writing for Playboy magazine.

* Kabul and other major cities looks like it is a thriving Capitalist economy. Apart from the incidental suicide bombers.

* Most of the Southern part of the country is ruled or administered by the former Warlords, who are still harvesting the poppy to furnish their militaristic ventures, enrich themselves, purchase weapons, and pay bribes to their sources in the Central Government in Kabul.

* And they are continuing to aid the emerging Taliban Islamists in their quest to regain that country's sovereignty.

What the US & her allies in Afghanistan is telling the world with regard to making Democracy work there, is totally untrue. Because there are some elements within the Hamid Karzi administration that secretly talks about making amends with the Taliban. With the desire of in-corporating them into the political administration of the country.

Most Afghans are wary of the Americans who conduct raids at the wee hours of the morning, brake into their homes, search their women and menfolks alike, invade the privacy of their women, and the wives of these men, which by tradition is never allowed by strangers. Least of all infidels!

Where Is Asama-Bin Laden?

Asama-Bin Laden was never found because he still have the support and sympathy of many in the Pakistani Secret Service, and bordering villages close to Afghanistan. Many of these people feel that Bin Laden is fighting those that make war on Islam, and Moslems generally. So they would support anyone or any organization that fights the infidels like the USA & her allies, in this regard.

So under these circumstances the USA will never be able to capture or kill Asama-Bin Laden, if they cannot get the full support of the ICI, and the Pakistani natives on the ground in those suspected villages or border townships.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


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