Friday, January 30, 2009

To Each According to His/Her Work-Karl Marx!

January 30-2009:

Equal Pay For Equal Work That Women Do!

President Barack H. Obama has now signed a bill that makes the above qualification possible.

Historically and currently, there are millions of women in the work place that still do not earn the same wage or salary as the men on that job site, who are doing similar or the same work. This bill intends to level the playing field, to ensure that henceforth, all women entering the work place is given equal pay for equal work.

However, this bill may have opened the 'Flood Gates' for those women who may have been victimized on the job years ago, and have retired or was dismissed. And some trial lawyer may have a field day in court with this new bill, to get the legitimately earned wages paid to his/her client.

And employers may also be scrambling to see just how many of their former and current female employees fall into this category. However, this legislation was long overdue, and gives our women in the workplace some economic advances they so desperately need at this time.

The fall out from this legislation is yet to be realized!



Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Message To HAMAS And FATAH:

January 28-2009:

A Message To H.A.M.A.S. And F.A.T.A.H.!
It is now high time for both of these political camps to unite for the common good, progress, and survival of all Palestinians. The continuous infighting, murder, and disunity between you, will not serve any of your separate interests in the long term.
As you continue to divide and rule your supporters or sympathizers, and continues to fight among yourselves. Israel will continue doing or acting arbitrarily, without any regard for how the international community views them.
And they will always say to the international community, that they are fighting terror!
So here are a few suggestions that I believe will pave the way towards Palestinian unity, and finally sovereignty.
* HAMAS MUST declare publicly that they accept Israel as a sovereign nation, and has no designs to obliterate them.
* FATAH MUST seek to incorporate HAMAS in the political processes, in order for any unity to take place.
* There must be consorted efforts on both sides, to seek unity, in order to govern Palestinians from both regions, under a political system that recognizes both political camps, and respects each other's right to seek converts or supporters voluntarily, and without threats or coercion.
* HAMAS MUST seek to repair the breech with FATAH as quickly as possible, and declare it's intention to join FATAH in a united political administration, which would strive to ensure that the democratic process is maintained, and that political checks are put in place for a peaceful transition of governance, after any democratic election is held.
Until there is unity between HAMAS and FATHA, the international community will be unable to work effectively, or support both camps effectively, in times of crisis, and military aggression.
Until as I said before, HAMAS declare and incorporate in it's constitution a clause, that declares they have no designs to eradicate the state of Israel. Then and only then, will the international community of nations know, they are truly serious about a Palestinian state. And would be more willing to assist in every way to bring this about!.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Will The Eight Billion Dollar Stimulus Package Work?

January 25-2009:

Will The Eight Billion Dollar Stimulus Package Work?

After 9/11, George W. Bush urged Americans to go shopping, and not let the terrorists win by cowering in fear. But the economy continued to move downhill, fueled by crocked stock brokers, mortgage scams, and Federal "Out Of Control" spending.
So What Difference Would The Stimulus Package Make In The Short Term?
* If this package is managed wisely, and with transparency, rigid oversight, and regulatory controls, the possibility of a turnaround may be realized.
* Mortgage holders, foreclosures and bankers, MUST be given some financial assistance.
* Limited tax reductions MUST be allowed to small businesses, with provisions for loans from banks, included for overheads, retooling costs, internal growth and productivity, and for the creation of employment.
* All working class people (especially the lower and lowest) income brackets, MUST be given some financial help or stimulus. And encouraged to spend some on household essentials.
Long Term Benefits:
* States should allocated funds that would create employment across the board.
* Essential infrastructure/repairs to Bridges, City and Freeway projects, should also be considered.
* Targeted businesses, including 'Startups' must also be used as a way to stimulate and dispense funding to essential areas of industry, and service oriented enterprises.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Friday, January 23, 2009

America Does Not Torture-Barack H Obama!

January 23-2009:

America Does Not Torture-Barack H. Obama!

Definitions of TORTURE:
* Extreme mental distress:
* Intense feelings of suffering; acute mental or physical pain:
* The act of distorting something so it seems to mean something it was not intended to mean:
* The deliberate, systematic, or wanton infliction of physical or mental suffering by one or more persons in an attempt to force another person to yield information or to make a confession or for any other reason:
So what kinds of torture are we referring to, in relation to how we treat prisoners that are terror suspects?
America Does Not Condone Torture!
This is the view and contention of president Barack H. Obama, in relation to torture. But what is still not clear to us all, is what aspect of torture do we condone, and what we do not condone, in relation to prisoners that are incarcerated for terrorist activities, at home and abroad.
Until some CLEARLY spelled out explanation is given to the American people about torture, this issue will continue to be debated online, via the media, and any forum where this issue is of some concern.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Guantanamo Bay Facility Will Be Closed!

January 22-2009:

Guantanamo Will Be Closed!

Today the president (Barack H. Obama) reiterated that Guantanamo Bay facility will be closed within one to two years. But in the interim, a special committee was selected to make the following recommendations about who and what action/s take, to facilitate habeas corpus for those prisoners therein.
* The volume of prisoners to be allowed due process currently. This includes the length of time served therein already.
* Who would be considered a threat to America at home or abroad, if released and sent to their home countries.
* Those who are foreign combatants/terrorists, and can be sent back to their respective countries for habeas corpus, without fear of arbitrary punishment or death.
* What types of legal processes will be necessary for each category of prisoner.
* Who are eligible to get habeas corpus as US citizens currently.
* And those whose nationality cannot be determined.
It is my belief that any prisoner or prisoners who do not fit any of the above profiles or qualifications. MUST be incarcerated here in the USA. In some facility specially constructed for such prisoners.
This (to my mind) is necessary in the (war on terror). And should be modeled after current US prisons that provide the same security precautions, and other infrastructure, that ENSURES that TORTURE is NEVER used in any interrogation process.
Total Inmates-245:


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Presidential Investiture Of Barack Hussein Obama!

January 17-2009:

The Presidential Investiture Of Barack H. Obama!

This is the closest that America comes to anointing it's own monarchy. The president of The United States is the Commander In Chief of The Armed Forces, Chief Of Foreign Affairs, and the one who appoints members to The Supreme Court.
The forty fourth president in the flesh of Barack H. Obama, has now earned the prestigious and symbolic office, in a land that most people globally would like to see, visit, be a part of, and become a citizen of.
The First Family, are expected to be The National Role Models for moral virtue, dignity, uprightness, and marital stability.
Hail To The New Chief, of this Constitutional Democracy, a land of Liberty, Freedom, Equality under the Law, Ethnic and Cultural diversity.
Quote: Whatever The Human Mind Can Conceive & Believe-Could Be Achieved.
Om Shanti.


Monday, January 19, 2009

What Did Israel Achieve From Their Deadly Incursion Into GAZA?

January 19-2009:

What Did Israel Achieve From Their Deadly Incursion Into Gaza?
A cease fire for TEN days have been achieved between Israel and HAMAS representatives, mediated by some Arab intermediaries. However, fifteen thousand or more civilians have been killed by the Israeli's Air force and Artillery shelling of GAZA. Most of these so-called civilians (by and large) are HAMAS sympathizers, supporters, and/or militia personnel.
The infrastructure of GAZA is almost totally devastated, to the point where almost every conceivable essential commodity or service is curtailed, or has become neutralized. And the lengthy trek of UN food supplies are moving ever so slowly into GAZA, after the cease fire was arranged.
And thousands of Gazans are living on the streets, in make shift tents, in caves, and anywhere that is not filled with the debris of buildings or un-exploded bombs.

Who Benefited From This Onslaught?
* Israel's Prime Minister gloated publicly, that his military has achieved the goal it set for itself at the outset of the onslaught.
* He claims that HAMAS is badly wounded, and has been deprived the use of most of the tunnels used for smuggling weapons into Gaza. And most of their militia have been killed.
This may sound great to Israelis, but Gazans know that even though they have been made homeless in large numbers. They still support HAMAS.
And HAMAS has gained political credit from most Arab citizens, and some governments, in the neighboring states.
So What Will President Barack H. Obama Do Now:
Israel was careful not to allow this incursion to last until or after Barack Obama's inauguration. They know fully well how much suffering and death they have (willfully inflicted) upon the Gazans in these few weeks.
Most of which was intentionally done by Israel's forces, with the excuse of trying to exterminate HAMAS militia, and their ability to send bombs into Israel's territories.
However, defending one's sovereignty from external or internal terror may be justified. But using any means necessary in doing so, must not be taken for granted. Because there are International laws and rules of warfare, that most UN affiliated states have singed on to, and agree to observe.
And Israel is one of those states that have violated those same laws and rules it vowed to uphold.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


Friday, January 16, 2009

Direct Answers Without Embellishments Are Preferred!

January 16-2009:

Direct Answers Without Embellishments Are Preferred!

President elect Barack Obama was asked in an interview with John King-CNN a anchor today, the following question:

* When will the bleeding stop?

This was in relation to the state of the economy.

Barack Obama answered in his accustomed manner with a speech, that did not answer the question asked at all.


Is it so difficult for our next president to answer a question with a direct reply, to the point, and honestly?

Why couldn't president elect Barack Obama say, "I Don't know. Nobody

knows that answer. But I sincerely hope that with the stimulus packages that are in the process of getting passed. We hope will speed up the process to recovery very soon."

Is this too much for our next president to say?



Thursday, January 15, 2009

What To Do With Captured Enemy Combatants!

January 15-2008:

What To Do With Captured Enemy Combatants!

We have seen under the George W. Bush administration, the creation of The Guantanamo Bay prison for enemy combatants or terrorists, caught during our war on terror worldwide. But there have been concerns with the incarceration of some of these alleged combatants, who may never have actually done something to validate guilt. But may have associated with, advocated for, or said things that inspired or encouraged terrorists acts against the USA, her interests, or allies abroad.

Such prisoners may not qualify to be treated like American Citizens in a Civil Court under US jurisdiction. But still have to face some form of habeas corpus for their alleged crimes. And this poses some complications as to where such trials will take place, and under what jurisdiction it would it be legally feasible to do.

So I have decided to submit some suggestions in that regard.
Enemy Combatants:

* If someone deemed an enemy combatant is captured in the field of war, or in any terrorist act abroad, or in a foreign country. That person is subject to that country's legal jurisprudence first.

* If such proceedings are not possible for that or those individuals. Then it is incumbent upon the US military officials in concert with The State Department, to seek the expulsion of that or those combatants, to be brought to the USA for such legal proceedings.

* Foreign enemy combatants that are already housed in the Guantanamo Bay facility, must be allowed legal counsel of some sort. Be it military, or civil. And be tried by some military tribunal or civilian appointed magistrates or judges, in a setting similar to that of our local judicial system. So that at least the perception of due process is followed and practiced.

* Those combatants that have served more than five years already in Guantanamo Bay facility, and have not been given due process as yet. MUST be allowed same very soon, under any of the above scenarios. And if found guilty, imprisoned in a special facility somewhere within the USA, that is appropriate and secured for such prisoners.

* Finally, every attempt MUST be made by the military in consort with The State Department, to consult with our allies in the war on terrorism, about the possibility of incarceration and due process, for any of their citizens captured, while indulging in terrorist acts. Because that is the responsible thing to do in this war on terror. And will be expected of them at this time.


Every effort must be made to expedite the closure of Guantanamo Bay prison facility, within the first two years of President Barack Obama's administration.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Israeli And Palestinian Conflict Evaluated!

January 11-2009:

The Israeli And Palestinian Conflict Evaluated!

I do not condone terrorism of any kind. Nor do I condone aggression of any kind either:
Firstly, Israel has occupied Palestinian lands Illegally for decades now.
Israel has total control of all Palestinian movements within and without
Gaza and the West Bank territories.
Israel has total control of the electricity, water supplies, garbage disposal, essential food supplies and services throughout Palestine also.
Israel has violated the UN Demarcation Territorial Boundaries agreement, with a WALL that has enclosed illegally more Palestinian lands.
And Israel does not intend to allow Palestine to gain sovereignty, by virtue of their ability to control all the above needs and services of the Palestinian people.
So they continue to operate politically, playing the FATAH administration with so-called Peace agreements. While they continue to violate all of those so-called agreements, with the usual excuses that HAMAS and other terror groups within that region, does not want peace, with Israel Sovereignty, or Israeli existence.
* How can you expect any people living under SEIGE to voluntarily acquiesce to their captors or overlords demands?
* How can you expect any people, who are denied their basic freedom of movement within their own living space or territories, to voluntary allow themselves to follow and abide with their continuous incarceration and oppression, without resentment?
* And how can you expect a people without a Sovereign State to call their own, not to agitate for that status?
These are all human values, needs, and aspirations, that the so-called western hemisphere is denying Palestinians currently.
As For The Arab Neighbors:
These neighboring Arab states are all of the SUNNI Moslem Sect. And Palestinians are SHIA in majority. And this conflicts with their preferred Sunni preference.
That is why those Arab governments/neighbors or SUNNI Moslems would not get physically involved in this conflict. But prefer to sit on the sidelines and just TALK, concoct Peace agreements, and behave as though they care for the Palestinians.
But they are not fooling the Palestinians at all. They are merely behaving like the Stooges that they are for the US, and her Oil Producing Allies in that region.
This is all about Religious and Ethnic preferences, vs the so-called OUTCASTS in the region!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

A Proposal For The Israeli & Hamas Conflict:

January 06-2009:

A Proposed Statement For Barack Obama On The Israeli & Hamas Conflict:
The time has come for both parties to cease the fighting, bombings, and firing of missiles towards each other. At the current rate of fighting, more deaths will certainly ensue, and the Palestinians will be the ones to suffer the most at the end of this conflict.
I would advise Israel to STOP the incursion immediately, withdraw to the border of Gaza, initiate for a sustainable cease fire with HAMAS via any of the established negotiators or others, that would be eligible to mediate of the behalf of both Israel and HAMAS representatives.
* Israel you have made your point already!
* HAMAS, you cannot win this fight, not today, not tomorrow, or with any means that would allow Israel to respond militarily in the future.
Failing to take this advice may be unwise for all parties involved, especially the Palestinian civilians caught between the fighting and bombings!
Derryck S. Griffith.


Friday, January 02, 2009

Does The USA Really Need Israel's Headaches?

January 02-2009:

Does The USA Really Need Israel's Headaches?

Israel has been \a staunch ally for the USA in the Middle East. And for this, she has been enjoying the privilege of the latest munitions and military technology from the USA, to ensure her sovereignty and national security.
But this privilege has been taken for granted by Israel for many years now, and she is behaving like a spoiled child that is never satisfied with playing in her own backyard, or with her own toys. So she takes away some of her neighbor's toys (or lands), and accuses that neighbor of being a spoil sport, and a cheat.
Hesbullah has embarrassed Israel in the conflict in Lebanon in 2006 very gravely. So the current unpopular Israeli government is using this new military incursion by them, to punish Hamas and the Palestinians in general for that loss and national embarrassment. And at the same time, testing the political appointee to The White House come January-20-2009.
President Elect Barack Obama said publicly and in Israel, that he believes that if his daughters lives are threatened by anyone, then he deserves the right to retaliate, (or words to that effect). He also told Israel that he agrees with them in responding to Hamas whenever Israel and her citizenry are being threatened with death via suicide bombs or missiles.
But will Barack Obama maintain his position on Israel when he assumes The White House?
Would his administration allow Israel to KILL Palestinians en masse, whenever missiles are being shot into it's territories or cities?
And would Barack Obama continue to follow his predecessor, sit quietly and do nothing, while Israel commits ethnic cleansing or mass genocide on the Palestinian people unabated?
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


Thursday, January 01, 2009

President Barack Obama's First Term National Agenda!

January 01-2008:
President Barack Obama's First Term National Agenda!
Firstly, Barack Obama was not elected to UNITE this country. That unity was expected for the Democrats, after he had won the democratic nomination.

And as for the general election results. It seems like he has!

Secondly, Barack Obama's promise to the American people was to do the following:

* Make the Federal government MORE transparent in what it does for the general electorate.

* Working with all parties in the Congress and Senate (Republicans-Democrats and Independents) alike.

* Enact legislation that would deliver National Healthcare for all Americans.

* A New National Energy Policy, Green Jobs, Infrastructure repairs and Construction jobs, College Affordable Programs like Grants for High School Drop Outs and Under Achievers, and College tuition for the dis-enfranchised.

* A Comprehensive Immigration Bill that covers all who qualify, and desire to live and work here as tax paying residents and citizens.

* Ending the War in Iraq, and bringing home our active duty troops within 16 months to two years in office.


* With the current state of the national economy, the president elect will be sending a Stimulus Proposal to Congress, for the approval of billions of dollars to 'Jump Start' the economy.

This (according to Barack Obama & his transition team of advisors), is necessary in order to stimulate the national economy, the banking systems, and the spending power of consumers.


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