Sunday, April 30, 2006

To Leave Iraq Or Not To Leave-That Is The Question!

April 30-2006:

To Leave Iraq Or Not To Leave
That Is The Question!

Until the Bush Administration in Washington admit to themselves, and to the American people, that leaving Iraq is not an issue, it is a must RIGHT NOW. They will continue to have large numbers of American casualties (both military personnel, and civilians alike), for the following reasons.

* When The USA and her allies invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, they were seen by the ENTIRE ARAB WORLD as invaders of Islamic sacred territories. A desecration of Islam, and infidels who posed a threat to the very core of Islamic beliefs, of separation.

* Not acknowledging this Islamic contention, and just looking at the rise of insurrectionists, as coming from Radical Islamic forces and volunteers, is ridiculous and self-serving.

* Most of the suicide bombers are from the intellectual community, the privileged, and those who are educated enough to make rational decisions.

* Most of these suicide bombers are not ignoramuses, the poor, the destitute, or the gullible fanatics, that some agencies want us to believe. The evidence on the ground proves them VERY WRONG!

* These suicide bombers or insurrectionists will not stop attacking foreigners, Americans, or anyone who is perceived as aiding and abetting Americans on Iraqi & Afghanistan territories.

This my friends is the reality in the war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan! Whether you chose to believe it or not. Soldiers and civilians alike, will continue to die in large numbers, until we eventually pull every American out of those countries. So that they could continue the fighting among themselves, that our presence there have interrupted!

Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Monday, April 24, 2006

The Queen Of England's 80Th Birthday!

Her Majesty The Queen Of England-Elizabeth II.

The Queen Of England is a constitutional monarch. Which means she has no political power, and cannot form a government, or indulge in foreign or political affairs directly.

As The Head Of State, she is authorized to co-sign all parliamentary briefs/bills, after they are ratified by both Houses Of Parliament. This procedure is thought to give all legislation the constitutional legality it deserves.

The Opening of Parliament, and officially welcoming and receiving foreign dignitaries at the Buckingham Palace is also another one of those official ceremonial duties.

She is also expected to meet with The Prime Minister, to be briefed on domestic policies, at least once per week. Over the past decade, she has been thought of in some quarters as usurping the Public Purse/Duchy, at the expense of the commonweal, and not really contributing anything substantive in return.

Some also ask just how relevant is her role in a modern society, and in a world where monarchs are not really revered any longer. But generally, the British people relish their traditions, and the Queen is a true and profound symbol of that tradition, and is not yet ready to relinquish that part of it just yet.

God Save The Queen!

Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

PS: The Queen is now 80 years of age!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Caught Between Iraq & A Hard Place:

Caught Between Iraq & A Hard Place!

A soldier's lamentation:

We were told by our commanders that anytime soon we would be expected to invade Afghanistan.

When that decision was taken we left in high spirits, because we thought we had it all figured out.

The terrorist bases in that country will be our target, and we would spare no one from our wrath.

After all, the World Trade Towers, and thousands of Americans paid the ultimate price, without even knowing it at the time.

So we took care of that problem, sort of. But remained vigilant, should the Taliban raise it's ugly head again in that country.

We would crush it once more into submission.

Then we were told that Sadam has weapons of mass destruction, and posed a threat to US interests in that region, and the political and economic stability in that region was at stake.

So into Iraq we went, with blazing saddles, metal and iron horses that spewed fire in every direction. And in no time, we were in Bhagdad!

Somewhat disappointing to us though, after being told of the ferrousity that was awaiting us back there.

Eventually, Sadaam's regime crumbled, his military forces dissipated, or went underground, and we shouted victory!

Today however, we are still trying to consolidate that victory in Iraq. With hundreds dying daily among us, civilian casualties in the thousands, and rising daily. And an ethnic and religious civil war that was just waiting to erupt, before we came into Iraq.

I am now left with the question, was it worth the lives lost, the limbs lost, the pain of families, friends, and love ones who are reeling from this madness in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Politicians make the decision to go to war. But it is us the soldiers on the ground, who pays with his life and limbs, to make this scenario possible. And I still cannot see the reason for all of this death and dying any longer.

I want out badly, but I cannot say it out loud, because my buddies will not like it, even though many of them feel the same way too. Our pledge of allegiance, our belief in the values of Freedom & Liberty, under democracy, is what we have to hold on to in these perilous times.

But I still want out!

But is caught in Iraq & A Hard Place!

Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Mass Murder At Tiananmen Square!

Mass Murder At Tiananmen Square!

Tank Man of 1989 Wang Weilin, or the Unknown Rebel is the nickname of the anonymous man who became internationally famous, when he was filmed and photographed standing before a line of seventeen or more tanks, during the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989 in the People's Republic of China.

The photo was taken by Jeff Widener, a member of the Associated Press, from the sixth floor of the Beijing Hotel, about half a mile away through a 400mm lens.

The still and motion photography of the man standing alone before a line of tanks, reached international audiences practically overnight. It headlined hundreds of major newspapers and news magazines, and was the lead story on countless news broadcasts around the world.

In April 1998, the United States magazine TIME included the "Unknown Rebel" in its 100 most influential people of the 20th century

Incidentally, the true identity or validity of who Wang Weilin was, is still to be validated! Could the bravery of that man on that infamous day, be re-lived once again in China?

That is yet to be realized, considering the great divide between the new middle classes, the wealthy, and the privileged, in the big and ever growing cities.

At the demise of the millions in rural China, still clinging for survival in an economy, that seem to cater more to the Big City's economic development. And the Communist Party's political quest to compete as equals in the global economy.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Categories Of Illegal Immigrants Explained:

Categories Of Illegal Immigrants Explained:

1. Legal entrance, but remained here in the USA when the VISA (or permit) expired, thus becoming an illegal resident:

2. Entered The USA without an official Passport or a Visa:

3. Legal sponsorship, and disappearing afterwards from sponsor's supervision or knowledge:

4. Entered the USA via forged documents:

5. Seeking asylum and risking deportation:

6. Seeking asylum and automatically given it, after reaching the USA shores safely, eg (The Cubans):

7. Crossing the Mexican/American borders illegally, to seek employment:

8. Trafficking of male and female prostitutes from Eastern Europe, or (the former Soviet Union Satellite countries):

Each of these known categories need some explaining. And I shall try to do so,with the best of my knowledge and ability.

Categories Explained:


When a person legally enters the USA, that person/s would have satisfied the immigration authorities with the necessary requirements, such as a health check, a visa, a passport, a tax clearance from their home country, and a financial report that validates his/her ability to sustain his/herself while in residence here.

Category #2.

When a person enters the USA without the above official requirements, he or she is violating the immigration requirements, and would be categorized as an illegal alien/immigrant.

Category #3.

a. When some foreigner is sponsored by some employer or American national, he or she is the sole responsibility of that sponsor. Current laws vary regarding the types of sponsorships. But importantly, the sponsor must show valid legal reasons why he or she is sponsoring that foreign born person.

b. And what he or she is expected to do for them, while here in the USA.

c. And if he or she has the necessary financial ability to support or finance that person's welfare while in The USA.

d. And is also legally responsible for any felonious misdeeds that this person may have committed. while here in the USA.

Category #4.

a. When a person/s enters the USA with forged documents, and manages to escape detection by the immigration authorities. Then that person/s is an illegal immigrant/alien, and could be apprehended and deported.

Categories #5 & 6.

a. When a person enters the USA legally or illegally seeking asylum, is doing so in good faith, and is also risking deportation.

b. That person will have to get legal representation by a Lawyer/Attorney or Advocate, and show valid or substantive documentation to support his or her claim for asylum.

c. The only people who are granted almost immediate asylum, if they manage to reach America's shores, are the Cubans. And that arrangement has legal approval.

Category #7.

When persons cross the Mexican/American border illegally, they could be apprehended and taken back to Mexico, or even arrested and deported. This situation is currently hotly debated, because most or all of these illegal entrants, are seeking seasonal employment, in and around the territories in that geographic region.

Category #8.

Trafficking of men, boys, or women from Eastern Europe, or (the former Soviet Union satellite countries), into the USA for prostitution work, is illegal, and punishable under current USA laws pertaining to that situation.

This phenomenon is also being done by the Chinese underground railroad, that deals with illegals whom they promise a better way of life, with financial gain for self and family here in the USA.

And whom are at the mercy, and personal risk of death, if they fail to repay the travel expenses to their facilitators, when they get to the American shores, and discovers that all that was promised was a fallacy.


The current immigration discussions within the US House Of Representatives & Senate, has far reaching consequences to those who represent the regions/constituencies, that have large volumes of illegal Spanish Speaking residents.

This debate or concern is only seen as important in communities with such large volumes of this ethnic group/s, that residents in those communities feel insecure, threatened economically, and plays into the hands and stereotypes, that the general culture portrays about these people.

Such as criminal elements, undercutting jobs, providing services for less than minimum wage, and does not pay taxes.

Most of these fears however, are unfounded because most illegals pay the prescribed taxes via their wages. Even though most of their employers do not submit these taxes to the Feds or State governments as they are legally supposed to do. This may be because most of these employees are illegals without official SS identity numbers, or has forged documentation.

Also, some employees are working 'under the books,' which means, that taxed contributions are not shown in the employers payroll. Hence, does not require them to submit any taxes to the Feds or State authorities.

Finally, this debate overshadows the Immigration Dilemma that the USA has allowed to fester for decades, because it helped Big & Small businesses alike, to manipulate and exploit illegal workers, with poor wages, terrible working conditions, no health care, and the ability to hire and fire them at random, without valid or substantive reason/s.

I Report-You Decide!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Beware Of The Bloggers:

Beware of the Bloggers!

Definition Of Blogging:
A person who shares his or her personal diary or journal

The Internet-A Free Medium For Expression!

Gone are the days when if you had something to say of substance, or wanted to reach large volumes of readers, you had to purchase space in a newspaper, time on radio, or publish a book. With the advent of The World Wide Web, all you need is an Internet connection, a computer & modem, and all of your wishes (almost), will be realized via this medium.

There was a time when I wanted to publish my Poetry, and the voluminous articles that I had written and accumulated over the years, but could not afford a periodical publication in the local press. Nor could I have imagined the possibility of reaching thousands, all in one go, or with the click on a button.

Today, this opportunity via the Internet has provided me with volumes of readers from all over the world. I have chatted and made friends hitherto impossible with Pen Pals or local postal mailing. The cost would have been too great. And the time for letters and responses takes too long, to move from person to person in the traditional fashion.

So I welcome The Web with open arms, and has been exploiting it to the best of my ability. But caution must be observed, Today there is so much information being disseminated via the Internet, that it is very difficult to ascertain "truth from falsehood" However, with experienced eyes, vigilant and analytic minds, one could in time decipher different types of propaganda, from objective reporting, to journalistic information.

Let us respect this medium, and be mindful of our fellows, all of whom have something to say at some time or another. Move on if we do not appreciate someone's opinion. Debate issues, welcome different opinions, and encourage participation at all times.

And remember, even The Dull & Ignorant have a Role To Play in this Cosmic Drama!

Om Shanti.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

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