Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Journalists & Their National Security Responsibilities!

February 20-2007:


The Espionage Act-The Ascroft National Security Act. & National Security Responsibilities:

Today in America, journalists have a difficult situation to deal with, when it comes to reporting actions or acts done by the federal government, or any of it's national security agencies. In their efforts to combat, monitor, prevent, and catch those who may be considering acts of terror to Americans at home and abroad.
Only recently the George W. Bush administration spurned the New York Times newspaper, and it's journalists for reporting certain detailed actions done by the Federal National Security agencies, in monitoring suspect terrorists, or those who may be communicating with suspected terrorists.
The revelation publicly of detailed incidents, procedures, and the apparatus used to monitor Americans, via telephone, e-mail, and other forms of personal communication, was considered acts of espionage by the Bush administration. Which feels that such leakages should be construed as espionage in a time of war.
But weren't these media revelations, meant to inform it's readership, and all Americans, that their civil liberties, freedom of speech and private communication, was being manipulated, spied upon, and monitored by our government. Disguised as trying to prevent acts of terror, or prevent communication that may help terrorists move monies, or provide information deemed helpful to the terrorists.

However, in light of this dilemma between acting to protect free speech, and trying to prevent terrorist acts in the USA.
* How should reporters or journalists operate, or report news/information pertinent to the interests of Americans, considered of absolute importance?
* What kind of information should journalists or reporters use, that would be considered accurate, informative, or sensational?
* And should journalists reveal their source/s of information to Federal Security Agencies, if called upon to do so, regardless of their source's personal safety, security, or security trust?

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


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