September 14-2007:
Cuban Elections Are Due Soon-But No Campaigners Or Campaign Promises Allowed:
Cuba will have national elections soon. But no candidates are allowed to campaign, or make any public speeches prior to this election.
This is how it works:
* A leader or spokes person is identified and nominated in every neighborhood, to represent those people in that neighborhood.
* Whoever is selected to represent that neighborhood, was selected based on his or her favour and recognition to do a good job by the people there.
* He or she also has to be pro-Socialist to qualify.
* And all representatives take their seats in the National Assembly.
* And all representatives take their seats in the National Assembly.
* It is the National Assembly that elects the President of Cuba.
Therefore, no opposition party is condoned, because as A Socialist country, ONLY Socialists will be allowed to participate in the politics of that country.
That is Socialist Democracy according to Fidel Castro's Cuba!
September 13-2007:
September 13-2007:
The International Community & The OAU-MUST Act Now Militarily!
The crisis in Zimbabwe has reached alarming proportions, in terms of hunger, malnutrition, and exploitation of the poor and disposable people of the state.
The most essential items that humans need to survive in modern society, is denied to millions in Zimbabwe today. Items like bread, flour, sugar, cooking oil, electricity, and running water in homes in the city of Harare.
The crisis in Zimbabwe has reached alarming proportions, in terms of hunger, malnutrition, and exploitation of the poor and disposable people of the state.
The most essential items that humans need to survive in modern society, is denied to millions in Zimbabwe today. Items like bread, flour, sugar, cooking oil, electricity, and running water in homes in the city of Harare.
President Robert Mugabe may have been a formerly revered African leader, who brought much needed political and economic changes to Zimbabwe. But today Robert Mugabe is SENILE, self centered, totally paranoid of opposition to his rule, and does not intend to allow Democracy to work or practiced politically in Zimbabwe today.
So his dictatorship continues to punish those who refuse to allow or deny, his capability to continue governing Zimbabwe.
September 11-2007:
September 11-2007:
When Will The Hidden Imam Return?
The Iranian Moslems believe that when democracy has failed the West, just like Communism/Socialism has failed it's believers. The hidden Imam or (Messiah), will appear to the world as the final solution to all of humanity's troubles.
If the Christians & Jews refuse to acknowledge him, God or Allah will send Jesus to mediate for this recognition.
If the Christians & Jews refuse to acknowledge him, God or Allah will send Jesus to mediate for this recognition.
If the Christians and Jews refuse to heed Jesus's recognition of the Hidden Imam, then the possibility for global conflict between Christians-Jews and Moslems will arise.
Too Many Old Heads & Myopic Representatives In Washington-DC:
Too Many Old Heads & Myopic Representatives In Washington-DC:
The REAL problem in Washington DC with our elected representatives, in both houses are the following:
* We have too many OLD and AGED White/Caucasian men making decisions there.
* Most of whom have NO CLUE about the REAL issues of the day. Much less represent the American people adequately.
* That is a major problem there.
And until all Americans who cherish progress, reality, and vision.
Some or most of those Aged and Old School Heads in Washington MUST be relieved of their positions politically, come next election!
The US Troop Surge Report!
General Patrayeas said that a withdrawal of those troops that comprised the SURGE could be brought home by Simmer-2008.
Now this remark is laughable for the following reasons.
* The quantity of US troops before the surge will not change.
* But the troops that were added that made up the surge will be brought home.
So in other words, this surge really did not make much or a significant difference with the internal Civil War in Iraq.
But it makes George W. Bush feel somewhat satisfied with his troop surge suggestion!
Until The Shia & Sunnis can co-operate and sit down to making democracy work legally for all Iraqis.
Until The Shia & Sunnis can co-operate and sit down to making democracy work legally for all Iraqis.
This government will continue to be helpless in maintaining it's governance, or national security.
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