Wednesday, December 31, 2008


December 31-2008:

Trying To Be Like You!

I watched a short film tonight about a young Iraqi man name Muthana, around 18 years of age, who was discovered by an American film director. Who invited this lad to come to the USA. But things got a bit complicated for him and his sponsors.

This young Iraqi film student probably came for the middle or some privileged class. Accustomed to having his needs taken care of by his mother, financially and otherwise. In fact his privileged position back in Iraq was the reason why he found it so difficult to do menial tasks, while working with the American film crew here in the USA. This bothered him very much, and he often told his sponsors that he was happy, when he wasn't.

This young man was always haunted by his experiences of bombs exploding all around him back home, the screams, the nightmares that most Iraqi's live with on a daily basis, and became very paranoid whenever they are unable to be with, or make personal contacts with relatives. He said he tried so hard to be like the Americans, but failed miserably at this effort. This man's struggles are indicative of every Iraqi who lives under constant fear, for their lives, their families lives, and their future.

This is a man with dreams like so many of his fellow countrymen, both at home and abroad, many of whom left Iraq involuntarily, not only for themselves, but for their families and for their country's future. Some have said that they will leave Iraq for Europe, the UK or France, study there, work there, send home money to their families left in Iraq. And when the political climate becomes stable and reasonably safe, they will return and help with the re-construction process.

That is the spirit of most Iraqi's today, and that spirit is what they want the Americans, and all other foreigners there to understand. That even though they are grateful for the freedom from Sadam's terror regime, given to them with his overthrow. They also want to be respected as a people, a people with a rich cultural history, an educated people, and a very proud people also.

Mr. Muthana was eventually sponsored by another film director, who was able to provide him a grant to study film making in the UK.

Derryck S. Griffith


Monday, December 29, 2008


December 29-2008:

Israeli's Terror Strikes Again!

Israel Attack On Hesbullah In Lebanon:

Israel bombed Lebanon's Southern State's infrastructure in 2006, and some known offices of Hesbullah. In order (according to them), to defeat or break Hesbullah's strength and ability to operate fully.

This tactic by Israel is proving useless, and is responsible for the thousands of civilians killed in Lebanon, by these bombings. Deliberate or not, the evidence on the ground will validate or invalidate the wisdom, or vendetta of Israel.

GAZA Today:

Today we see the same tactics used in Gaza to kill those who stand against Israeli aggression, and occupation of illegal territories in that region. And for the freedom of Palestinians to live, travel, self reliance, national dignity, and ultimately to gain sovereignty.

What Israel is doing, is supported by The USA, and some or most Sunni Arab controlled countries in that region. Most of whom are lackeys for the USA's foreign policy in that region.

Killing thousands of innocent civilians, can in NO WAY justify any reason for rooting out suspected terrorists among the Palestinian people. Most of whom are merely expressing decades of political frustration, national incarceration, political isolation, and a disregard for these people's fight for national freedom, sovereignty, and ethnic preservation.

Munitions Used:

Cluster bombs were used against Hesbullah militants in Lebanon, and the civilians of Lebanon. With the expressed excuse of Israel for going after TWO captured Israeli soldiers in that conflict. One of these soldiers are presumed dead, and the other is yet to be released, and whose life is yet to be determined. But what Israel cannot justify in this conflict, is the thousands of Palestinian resistance fighters in their prisons, who were captured over decades of Israeli insurgency into Palestinian territories.

No amount of Palestinian resistance towards Israel, could justify the mass killing of innocent civilians on the Palestinian side, most of whom have no way to retaliate against a Nuclear capable, and USA supported neighbor like Israel.

So this conflict will always be in Israel's favor, regardless of how often the Palestinians resist their onslaught. The time has come for the USA to rethink it's position on Israel's role in that region, and how much support it is willing to give Israel, as it continues to aggress their neighbor militarily.

Derryck S. Griffith.


Friday, December 26, 2008

Risk Without Rules Is Tantamount To Insanity!

December 26-2008:

Risk Without Rules Is Tantamount To Insanity!

* Some republicans and others currently are totally against regulations of any kind for the business community. They claim it would inhibit how A Free Enterprise Economy or Markets are supposed to function and grow economically.

* Some also believe that if left alone, the Free Market via competition among the players within, will regulate itself.

Today, what we see is the opposite of the latter position highlighted above. Because of deregulation, most of the big corporations and financial institutions and individuals within, took risks that was beyond the premise for 'safe risk taking,' fueled by greed and self aggrandizement.

Therefore, in order to make the Free Market System work equitably for most of the players within, a regulated platform of rules MUST be legislated, and stringently implemented, to ensure that no runaway group or individuals could con the system, to the point of no return and total disaster once again!



Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Chinese & Africa's Development!

December 23-2008:

The Chinese & Africa's Development!

Today we see in several African states China's business attaches and entrepreneurs involved in mineral extraction, infrastructure development, retail distribution and selling of manufactured goods for homes, offices, personal effects, and restaurants. All manned by Chinese employees, supervised by Chinese, and Chinese collateral investments largely.

Some African governments have decided to trade or engage in joint business, agricultural, and oil ventures with the Chinese, to assist in the development of Africa and China's growing economies.

But why aren't African countries indulging in the same cross border ventures for bilateral development?

This may be a very difficult question to answer simply, but I will give it a try.

* Not all African States are democratically managed.

* Not all African states have an economy that allows Free Enterprise to prosper, without government, tribal, or political interference and control.

* And few African countries have a history of sound and sustainable economic ties or trade with other African states.

These are just some of the problems that interferes with Africa's internal development, sustainable, and self-reliant continentally. Coupled with the ever present tribal and regional conflicts, that invariably lead to internal strife, civil wars, and regional wars that lasts for decades.

During which those countries engaged in such internal conflicts, are ravaged to the point of a total collapse of their infrastructure and governmental apparatus.

Therefore, those African states with stable governments, A Free Market economy, or Entrepreneurial Enterprises, tend to engage with any country that is willing to Trade, Barter, or engage in bilateral development arrangements that are mutually beneficial to each other!



Friday, December 19, 2008

Robert Mugabe Dares His Neighbors To Topple Him From Power!

December 19-2008:

Robert Mugabe Dares His Neighbors To Topple Him From Power!


According to report tonight. Robert Mugabe is now daring any neighboring African government to invade, or conspire to remove him from power.

This man really thinks that he is invincible. However, this is a regional problem, because refugees and cholera, does not have any bias against any border.

So regardless of how long his neighbors can tolerate this influx of illnesses and refugees. Will determine the length of time it takes to topple Mugabe from power.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Africa-Why Are You Destroying Your Men-Women & Children?

December 16-2008:

Africa-Why Are You Destroying Your Men-Women & Children?

Every day I shudder at the reports coming out of Africa via This medium is the only one that covers the African Continent's plight on a daily basis. And it seems that with each day, the violence and killings on that continent is becoming more GRAVE.

And I ask myself, WHY-WHY is this being allowed to continue happening in Zimbabwe, The Congo, Uganda, Tanzania, Darfur, and elsewhere. And the UN cannot get African states to DIRECTLY intervene MILITARILY to STOP this specter of EVIL?

So I call upon the International Community Of Nations, to ACT NOW, use whatever means necessary. Because the traditional diplomacy and talks, are not making any tangible progress. Because the evidence on the ground there shows, that Africans have become so brutal in the aforementioned states, that it is beyond comprehension in a 21 century world.


Derryck S. Griffith.


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Africa's Bare Foot Doctors!

December 13-2008:

Africa's Bare Foot Doctors:

A bare foot doctor is someone who performs some of the basic functions that a qualified medical doctor would perform. Some of these are the following:

* Taking a patient's pulse rate, heart beat, blood test, throat swabbing, and some other forms of intravenous testing or vaccination.

In Africa, like so many developing countries or states, bare foot doctors are the Local Health Care visitors or Midwives. Who invariably are employed by the state or regional clinics, to deal with patients who need basic health care services like child birth, some emergencies, vaccinations of new born infants, and some overall health checkups. When or if they recognise any malady that they feel warrants serious qualified medical attention by a qualified doctor. These midwives or bare foot doctors advise their patients to go to the nearest clinic or hospital, where a qualified doctor or physician can be accessed.

In most African States, there is a dire need for qualified doctors to service rural and interior regions. Most of the population in the rural regions are aunble to access qualified health care services, or even a local hospital, with the necessary equipment for proper health care needs. Residents in those regions have to travel for several miles on foot, bicycles, or horse drawn carts, to get to these clinics. Most do not go when they fall ill, because they cannot afford to pay taxi or car fares to get there. So most stay at home and consult with the traditional medicine healers.

These faith or medicine healers over the decades, were the only ones who dealt with the local or tribal sick. And sometines their medicines work positively, at other times the patients die after taking those medicines. But these tribal or ethnic healers will continue to play these health care roles, until some governmental programs are put in place to cater to the needs, of the rural poor and economically dis-enfranchised.

In Uganda today, like so many other African countries, malaria is ravishing the people on a grave scale. And the government is financially strapped for cash to provide the medicines to deal with this malady. So thosusands die from malaria, coupled with other ailments like HIV, hunger, and cholera. Some foreign financial assistance is being given to some African countries from The World Health Org., but getting the medications to regional locations, without the necessary qualified personnel to administer to the needs of these people, is very perplexing indeed.



Friday, December 05, 2008

STOP The Genocide In Zimbabwe NOW:

December 05-2008:

STOP The Genocide In Zimbabwe NOW!

The world have stood by and watched Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe use his position with impunity for decades. He intends to hold on to power until he dies in office, at the national demise of his people and national economy. This man has no intention to share or give up his unlawful position, which even his friends and allies in the neighboring African states concurs in private.

Currently, due to a lack of sterilized drinking water to consumers in several provinces. An outbreak of cholera is ravishing those communities, alongside the national starvation that his people are generally experiencing, from lack of food, jobs, basic health, and sanitation services.

And only recently, some of Mugabe's Army personnel behaved in a manner un-becoming for the military, when they openly opposed their Commander In Chief, for the inadequate wages they are receiving.

But these military morons are not yet ready to unseat him just yet. So Robert Mugabe still have his grip on the country, thanks to the loyal moronic Military, Police Force, and Para Military Thugs that are under his control. I am not aware what powers (if any) the Power Sharing Opposition have in this political climate. But it seems quite obvious from the events today, that these so-called power sharing political leaders are unable to influence Robert Mugabe's decisions, to dis-continue his iron fist methods upon the people of Zimbabwe.

It is high time for the African Democratic States to take a unilateral decision to militarily oust Robert Mugabe from power, and re-establish the Legitimate Opposition Party that won the last Democratic elections they were blatantly yanked from the Zambabwean people, by Robert Mugabe's thugs, via rigging, and overt terrorism.


How long will the world sit still and allow another Rahwanda like genocidal situation to occur?


Please circulate to friends and contacts:


Monday, December 01, 2008

Is The US Media Being Realistic About Barack Obama?

December 01-2008:

Is The US Media Being Realistic About Barack Obama's Abilities?

The US television and radio mediums are still debating among themselves, whether president elect Barack Obama made the right decision, to hire Hillary Clinton, and others who are so different in temperament and vision to him.

And I am wondering if it is still not evident from the primaries's managed campaign, that Barack Obama directed, with success, discipline, and efficiency. Should tell them something about his ability to manage and lead a multifaceted group of people towards one goal?

These media people somehow can never divorce themselves from the campaign's speeches and ridicule, that both Barack and Hillary used to win the nomination.

Wake up people, the campaign is OVER, and Barack Obama is The President elect!



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