Friday, February 27, 2009

All US Combat Troops Will Be Removed From Iraq By Year 2020!

February 27-2009:

All US Combat Troops Will Be Removed From Iraq By Year 2020!

All US combat troops will be brought home to the USA by year 2020. Leaving 50 thousand behind, to protect US interests, help train Iraqi defense forces, engage in covert actions to root out El Qaeda and Taliban elements, etc.

The fifty thousand that would be left there when the bulk have been removed, is getting some flack from some democrats and other Obama supporters. Most of whom claim that he promised to bring them home in 16 months, and leaving 50 thousand behind, still makes us occupiers!

I will say this, they are right about the latter position. But as for the first position, I will have to wait and see how that scenario plays out at the end 2020. 

As Commander In Chief, he has a panoramic or overview of the military, political, domestic, and national security position in Iraq. And MUST be allowed to do as he sees fitting under the circumstances. Such matters are not cut and dried as some of us novices think it aught to be.

The president is responsible for overseeing the conduct of TWO wars, and MUST be allowed to do as he sees fitting, whenever it comes to troop movements, deployments, and overall strategy!

Derryck S. Griffith.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Firmness-Resolve And An End Result For Afghanistan!

February 13-2009:

Firmness-Resolve And An End Result For Afghanistan!
President Barack H. Obama MUST decide soon to end our military activities in Afghanistan. Because as I see it currently, the internal strife, insurrections, suicide bombings, and governmental corruption will continue to inhibit any military gains there. Coupled with the limited coalition forces that are militarily involved in combat.
Hamid Karzai'a government is CURRUPT. And the Taliban is gaining strength all over the country, because Afghans are hungry, un-employed en masse, threatened with torture and death if they fail to heed the Taliban, and the government cannot provide national security for the entire country, not even in Kabul.
Those countries that have sent meagre military personnel there, most of which are not involved in tracking Taliban and Al Qaeda elements or terrorists, are of little or no help there. And the president will have to decide very soon, if the US can withstand the bulk of this military mission there, without substantial military involvement in combat, against the Taliban and other insurgent groups.
If the president waits too long to decide how much longer are we going to stay there, then it is possible that Afghanistan will be another Iraq in dimension. Because the Taliban cannot be trusted to come on board with security. Their principal aim is to take back Afghanistan, and rule it under Wahabism.
And continue to kill, beat, and maim the Afghan women for wanting to be educated, and equality under the law.
I envisage thousands of US military personnel deaths in the weeks and months to come. With the 4000 US deaths already in Iraq, how much more are we going to sacrifice, in this ridiculous war in Afghanistan. That country will never become a democracy. Their history does not cater to any central governance either.
So any intention to rule Afghanistan from a Centralized government, is wishful thinking and detrimental to our military personnel there.
Derryck S. Griffith
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

The National Economy Will Not Budge Until?

February 12-2009:
The National Economy Will Not Budge Until?
For those of you who are prone to point the finger to the president.
* President Barack Obama can send or release billions in the economy.
* He can also cut taxes for all and sundry too.
* And give banks all they need or ask for.
But this will not budge the economy one bit.
When bankers starts to lend again. When those mortgage errants are allowed some moratorium for several months from paying their mortgages.
When the foreclosure's STOP.
And when Wall Street Investors and Brokers stop using their leverage to inhibit economic growth through FEAR.
Then and only then, will we see some real changes in the national economy!


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Write Off Those Highly Toxic Loans Or Debts!

February 10-2009:

Write Off Those Highly Toxic Loans Or Debts!

As I see it, if we continue to speculate how or when those toxic loans in the banks will be resolved. I feel that they may never be reconciled, or sold to any realistic investor.
Because they are TOXIC, and the baggage and time it will take to gain traction, much less any income from such loans is un-imaginable at this time.
So the best way to encourage TRUST in the market now, is to WRITE OFF those bad debts, and start afresh.
The banks MUST write off those debts from it's books, and start all over again with credibility and adequate supervision, coupled with Federal Regulation and oversight.
This is to my mind, is the best way to move forward at this time!


Sunday, February 08, 2009

Are The Proposed Europe Missile Defense System Worth It?

February 06-2009:

Are The Proposed Europe Missile Defense System Worth It?
George W. Bush was keen to promote the concept of a shield or missile defense system somewhere in Europe, to combat any first strike from Russia (supposedly). This missile detect system is supposed to alert N.A.T.O of any incoming missile threat, necessitating a quick response to that threat.
This to my mind is playing into the un-warranted fear from the Cold War era, when the Soviets were alleged to be creating missiles that could reach US territories, and the USA had to be prepared to combat that threat. This un-warranted fear from both sides proved to be very wrong, after the collapse of the Berlin Wall, and the end of The Cold War era.
Will president Barack H. Obama allow himself to be sucked into this paranoid military mindset, within the Pentagon and her allies in N.A.T.O. Or are we going to seriously consider how un-realistic this idea would be, if we intend to foster better or improved diplomatic relations with Russia, and the former Soviet block or allies too.
If we allow ourselves to be sucked into this war mongering mentality, then we would have accepted George W. Bush's idea, and thus continue business as usual in our foreign policy with Russia.
I strongly suggest that the Obama administration do not even consider, building or contributing to any missile defense system in Europe.
Because this conflicts with NATO's role in that regard, and makes NATO seem irrelevant, if not unwanted!


Friday, February 06, 2009

We Are Not Living In Abraham Lincoln's Time!

February 06-2009:

We Are Not Living In Abraham Lincoln's Time!

Abraham Lincoln's birthday anniversary will be here shortly, an event that is felt by many of his admirers, as someone who saved the union in a time of dire crisis.
Today, this nation is also in a time of crisis, and Abe is not here to save us. So STOP calling upon the dead to help fix what the living have destroyed in the last eight years under George W. Bush and the Republican administration. Coupled with some complicity of the Democrats in the Congress too.
President Barack H. Obama was elected with a mandate for CHANGING the status quo in Washington-DC, and that is what we all expect him to strive for. The institutional mindset of elected officials from both parties, entrenched and sometimes too stubborn to budge when is needed, from their individual niche and constituency.
Must be made to understand that TODAY, a new reality is afoot. And We The People will no longer tolerate that old age mindset any longer.
And we want you all to know that we are keeping informed, and will be telling you how we feel, and what we expect from you. If or when we see any contradictions, or departures from the agenda or mandate given to the Obama administration in 2008.
Hitherto the November 2008 elections, the local television media used their national and international influence and coercive power to mold the minds of most Americans, and most of their viewers around the world.
And in time, was able to create subliminal acceptance of whatever the media said about anyone, as fact. After repeating something about that person or persons for a week.
This repeated manner of disseminating information or propaganda, was skillfully used in the Stalin era, the Adolf Hitler Nazi era, The Mao Tse Tung era, and under Fidel Castro.
Today, we can no longer sit back and allow the traditional television and radio mediums to set the political and social agenda, in terms of what we believe or aught to believe any longer.
Hold this new administration accountable NOW, Tomorrow, and until their term ends. Because that is the only way we the people will affect the changes that we can believe in!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


Thursday, February 05, 2009

The New Definition Of The War On Terrorism!

February 05-2009:

The New Definition Of The War On Terror!

If my interpretation is correct, here is what I gather from President Barack H. Obama on this new interpretation:

America will not hesitate to confront any person, group, or region, that indulges in acts that can be construed as physically harmful, or detrimental to Americans at home and abroad. 

And these acts does not necessarily have to be of a religious, ethnic, or regional nature!

What Does Rendition Mean In The War With Terrorists!

I have listened to the nominee for the CIA department head (Leon Penetta), being grilled by the congressional committee today, and have interpreted this situation as follows:

* Rendition/s occur when a suspect or suspects cannot be tried in a foreign country, who may have been apprehended overseas, during a sting operation, or combat situation.

* That or those persons, may be brought back to the USA's jurisdiction for habeas corpus, or interrogation, if the military deems it necessary at the time.

* There might also  be combattants or suspects that were arrested during combat abroad, but cannot be allowed due process in the country of capture, for fear of injustice in the judicial process.

* Or not having his/her rights honoured as a prisoner or war or criminal suspect in that country.

* Finally, rediions are done, and was done by the USA before, in most of the above scenarios, and is considered valuable, to acquire information from any captive, which would supposedly aid in any terror related investigation.



Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The Role Of Any Vetting Team For Public Office!

February 04-2009:

The Role Of Any Vetting Team For Public Office!

Vetter's responsibilities vary, depending upon whom they are vetting, and what responsibility that or those persons for public office must have, to qualify for that position.

I gather from listening to an anchor on CNN explain her version of what may have happened with the Obama's vetting team, and the mis-steps that have occurred.

* Mr. Daschele, Mr. Richardson, Timothy Geithner, and the woman who subsequently removed herself from the nomination process, all had income tax and other personal problems. Which in this current Political and Economic climate, does not auger well for their chances favorably.

* Mr. Geithner (Treasury Secretary), admitted that he made a mistake or oversight, for two years of Self-employment overseas, that was not accounted for. He subsequently got approved for the Treasury Secretary's position

* Mr. Richardson, was identified for the Commerce Dept., but asked to be taken from the vetting list, because of a pending investigation on his personal life.

* The woman (Performance Overseer), had tax problems, and other personal matters, also removed
herself from the nomination.

So what was the problem with these three individuals that mattered so much?

President Barack Obama promised transparency, strict ethical practices, and integrity in his administration. That is why he signed that Ethics legislation soon after the swearing in of his presidency.

The vetting team is expected to follow the questionnaire criteria for qualification, as per client, and the position sought. If the client or applicant does not reveal a personal matter, that may or may not have been listed in the questionnaire, but would help the vetters to get a clearer insight into his or her personal life,and past work related experiences. Then even if the applicant passes the test on paper, but is subsequently found to err in some ethical or legal misdemeanor, then the vetters are not responsible for this new finding.

If they followed all that was expected of them as per the vetting process!

That is why the president had to acknowledge this embarrassment publicly, because if he didn't, it would have compromised his position on Turning The Page, or ensuring Strict Ethical Standards,' and Transparency, are observed in his administration.



Tuesday, February 03, 2009

No FREE Pass For The Big Bank's Executives!

February 03-2009:
No FREE Pass For The Big Bank's Executives!
When the IMF or The World Bank lends money to developing countries, they stipulate how, what, and where these funds MUST be spent.
With rigid oversight too!
Therefore, if The US Federal government is asked or is expected to rescue or bailout these BIG banks and Insurance companies that have made some very grave and irresponsible decisions in their internal finances, lending practices, and executive emoluments.
Then it is incumbent upon the Treasury Dept. to expect that all Top Executives follow strict guidelines pertaining to personal emoluments or salaries. Failing to do so, gives these executives and private institutions, carte blanche for their irresponsible actions.
When the ordinary man or woman in mainstream America, that have erred on their mortgage payments, loose their homes, and not get any compensation from the Federal Government.
So insisting that all recipients of Federal monies follow some strict and regulated guidelines as per their salaries, is justified at this time!
Derryck S. Griffith.


Monday, February 02, 2009

What Is Multitasking?

February 02-2009:

What Is Multitasking?
The ability to do more than one thing at a time.
The human organism has the innate ability to do more than one thing a time. That is why most of us can walk, take note of the traffic lights, and those around us, so as not to bump into someone while walking on the street. That is basically doing three things simultaneously. Even those with certain physically disabilities can do several things at once.
Can you concentrate on more than one thing?
Concentration is the ability to focus on a certain thing, object, or situation. Giving it your un-divided attention. But at the same time, is also aware of what is happening around you, but not paying attention to any of it. That is how we are able to understand something deeply, as it is being taught to us, or as we read and follow the directions or gist of the subject.
Does multitasking matter in today's economy?
Yes indeed, it does matter. Especially with employment dwindling at the pace it is right now. One MUST educate oneself with as many skills, or abilities as is possible, in order to be more marketable in our quest for employment. Employers tend to go for experience, more employment skills, education ability, and know how.
And skip those who may never have had the work experience or skills, when seeking new staff to employ. This is just how employers behave when the volume of un-employed people are enormous or plentiful.
So if you have been recently dismissed from your job, try finding temporary employment. This helps you acquire more needed employee skills, and makes for a better RESUME too. Too many skills are never too much. The more the merrier. This also shows future employers that you have multitasking experience also.


Sunday, February 01, 2009

What Are Essentials & Wants?

February 01-2009:

What Are Essentials & Wants?
With the current international economic crisis in mind, let us get our priorities in order. So let me explain some vital priorities that we all have to consider, as we meander our way through this global crisis.
What are essentials?
Essentials can be interpreted to mean anything that one cannot do without. Such as (in our modern context), food, clothes, a roof over our head, a steady job or steady employment, and money in one's pocket for basic needs.
In some developing countries, some or most of the above items are something to dream about, and will never be realized for most people in poor or developing countries.
What are wants?
Wants are something that most of us feel we must have, in order to fit in, to feel accomplished, to identify with, or to give one some status in the eyes of our friends, co-workers, communities, or society at large.
Most of our individual wants are based on most or all of the above concepts, and does not bring us happiness in the long term. Nor does it make us feel content for any length of time either.
Having said that, then let us admit that most of us fall into the latter category above, and are responsible for some of financial circumstances that we find ourselves in right how. Too much personal and relentless credit, wanting to have more that we can personally afford, and still do even though we know it will cost us gravely in the long run.
This attitude is endemic in most developed and developing societies. Consumer driven, materialistic values, and the feeling that having THINGS are the only way to advertise your worth, or social standing in society.
We all have to re-educate ourselves on our individual priorities, values, and concepts about ourselves. We MUST do this in order for Real and meaningful steps forward in the way we do business, pay our debts, aspirations, and plan for our retirement and personal financial security.
Failing to make the necessary adjustments right now, will allow this crisis to drag on for years to come. And those of us who feel that wishing away this crisis is the way to go. Then I say to you all, that nothing happens without human personal action/s.
Not even prayer, if human action is absent!

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