All US Combat Troops Will Be Removed From Iraq By Year 2020!
February 27-2009:
All US combat troops will be brought home to the USA by year 2020. Leaving 50 thousand behind, to protect US interests, help train Iraqi defense forces, engage in covert actions to root out El Qaeda and Taliban elements, etc.
The fifty thousand that would be left there when the bulk have been removed, is getting some flack from some democrats and other Obama supporters. Most of whom claim that he promised to bring them home in 16 months, and leaving 50 thousand behind, still makes us occupiers!
I will say this, they are right about the latter position. But as for the first position, I will have to wait and see how that scenario plays out at the end 2020.
As Commander In Chief, he has a panoramic or overview of the military, political, domestic, and national security position in Iraq. And MUST be allowed to do as he sees fitting under the circumstances. Such matters are not cut and dried as some of us novices think it aught to be.
The president is responsible for overseeing the conduct of TWO wars, and MUST be allowed to do as he sees fitting, whenever it comes to troop movements, deployments, and overall strategy!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Labels: Iraq Troops Withdrawl