April 09-2009:
Start A Dialogue With Cuba-But With A Clear Agenda!
Recently some members of The Black Caucus went on a fact finding visit to Cuba, but did not do a thorough or in depth evaluation of the socio-political climate therein.
The United States trades with China, even though it is still A Communist Dictatorship, and Human Right's abuses still obtain therein:
* Freedom Of Speech and The Media, is still controlled and policed by the state;
* Political Prisoners are still being incarcerated, tortured, and killed on a daily basis.
* And Freedom Of Religion, (those not sanctioned or approved by the state), is curtailed, and their followers harassed, and imprisoned.
* The Dalai Lama's movement, and the FULAN GONG movement are cases in point!
But yet, the USA still allows trade, travel, and diplomatic relations with that state.
What Did The Black Caucus Achieved?
As far as I heard them explained. They seem to feel that meeting with Fidel Castro, his Brother, and other family members, was a big deal. They also seem to feel that the social climate is fine in that country too.
But they never sought to meet with any Anti-Communist/Dictatorship political advocate, or Agitator, Anti-Government Controlled Media representatives either, nor did they enquire about the political prisoners (in the hundreds), that are imprisoned there?
This to my mind was a huge dis-appointment for us all in this country (USA), and makes it absolutely necessary for the Obama administration to ensure that any dialogue he intends to re-establish with Cuba, contains the following agenda.
* The releasing of political prisoners.
* The Establishing of Freedom Of The Press, and other Media.
*Freedom To Assemble, Petition for or against National Policy by the masses.
*And Freedom To Travel out of Cuba for all citizens, who are not criminals, or fugitives of Cuba.
* Re-establishing Trade with Cuba, and allowing money transfers from Cuban exiles here, to their relatives over there.
If we can get Cuba to comply with most of the above agenda items, then we would have made a significant improvement in our relations with Cuba and the Cuban government.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.