NEWS From My Perspective!
May 23-2009:
I find That Writing Interferes With Extemporaneous Thoughts.
But this I mean the following:
*When you are speaking, thoughts just flow freely without too much interference from you.
One is able to hear oneself clearly, follow the diction (most of the time), and try to speak correctly or clearly as much as possible.
* But with writing, one has to always take ones time to form words, ensure that the sentences are coherent, the grammar is on point, and the construction of each sentence follows a logical conclusion.
* After which one would edit for errors of spelling, coherence, and grammar.
All of these procedures inhibit the free flow of thoughts when writing.
That is why I conclude, that being a Good Speaker aught to be pursued, and being able to Write Well will follow naturally.
May 19-2009:
The Tamil's Of Shri Lanka-Do They Have A Future Now!
The TAMIL indigenous peoples, along with other minority ethnic groups have had a very long and hard history of suffering, at the mercy of the national government and majority Hindu population.
These people petitioned for Independence some time ago, but did not get it. Then in 1973 they asked for Autonomy or self Governance without interference from the Central government. But to no avail.
After which they took the last ditch position to attain it via insurrection.
Today, they are a defeated people. Homeless, thousands died, mutilated, displaced, humiliated, with little or no prospects for assimilation into mainstream society in the near future.
Will justice be granted for all the atrocities that have ensued during this last ditch onslaught by the National Army?
Or will the International Community sit idly by, and allow these people to suffer in silence, without any REAL intervention for real Justice?
We would have to wait and see!
May 15-2009:
The United Nations Peace Keeping Dilemma!
Firstly, every country that is associated with the UN, and has peace keeping forces with the UN, has it's own individual signed mandate with the UN.
Secondly, before the UN could send any troops to keep or enforce the peace anywhere, it has to muddle through every mandate, to see just what country would allow their troops to get actively involved in some combat situation, food distribution, or Peace Keeping Enforcement/Combat scenario.
Thirdly, every contributing country sends a certain amount of personnel, munitions, helicopters, aircraft, or logistics, whenever they are asked and agrees to become involved.
Fourthly, UN Peace Keepers MUST also get involved in enforcement situations too, if they are to ensure that warring parties respect the standing peace agreement that both parties agreed to abide by.
The Rwanda Genocide scenario might have been avoided, if the UN Peace Keepers were communicating with the local leaders regularly, had their Peace Keeping Personnel regularly question at random any civilian/s if they suspect that something radically wrong is afoot.
Most of the above was never done, so when the genocide was already happening, and large numbers or people were already killed or mutilated. By the time the UN got involved, thousands had already become victims of this mass slaughter.
Finally, sending money to the UN for Peace Keeping is just ONE aspect of that involvement of countries.
Maintaining your contribution via, personnel, hardware, troop availability, interest, and compliance when asked, are all that is expected, for this mandate to work everywhere effectively!
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