September 14-2009:
This is a war that never should have been waged. It was concocted by the George W. Bush administration, with the view that some terrorist organization labelled "El Qaeda" was responsible. This group had it's terrorist camp in Afghanistan, and from that region, the plans and execution of the attack on the World Trade Center Towers on 9/11-2001, was realized.
However, there is no conclusive evidence to support this theory, nor is there any concrete evidence to support the suspicions that some foreign terrorists had the knowledge, logistics, and ability to topple two high rise buildings like those, with two airplanes that simultaneously crashed into those buildings.
And the subsequent internal sounds of 'bombs being exploded' in those same buildings, some minutes after the planes crashed into them. This was substantiated by many Firemen on the scene, workers who escaped from those buildings, onlookers on the scene, and reporters also on the scene, on that infamous morning too.
"In War The Truth Is So Precious-That It Must Always Be Surrounded By A Bodyguard Of Lies."
Quote: The late Sir. Winston Churchill & Mr. Stalin.
Part 1.
Terrorist's Attack:
On the morning of September/11/2001, two Aircrafts flew into the Twin Towers of the former World Trade Center in New York simultaneously, causing the death and injuries of several hundred occupants. Many of whom were foreign nationals working or visiting there at the time. These towers were 110 storeys high.
The Federal government via The President declared publicly, that Asama Bin Laden, (a notorious Terrorist) is the Prime suspect for this incident, and several other known incidents of this kind. Also, on the said morning another plane crashed deliberately into the 'Pentagon' on Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC. causing the loss of over one hundred lives therein.
Part 2.
The TALIBAN or ruling overlords of Afghanistan seized power by Military Force, at the defeat and withdrawal of the Russian forces. In the chaos and confusion following these events, lack of an established co-ordinated and properly identified Leadership, a vacuum resulted, which was immediately filled by The Taliban forces.
Incidentally, the Taliban is a group of STUDENTS or clerics from the college of Clerics in Pakistan. These Islamic theologians have their own peculiar conception and interpretation of the 'Quran'. This fundamentalist doctrine is abhorred in several modern Moslem States in the Middle East. They enforced the wearing of the BORKA, (Veiling from head to the feet of all Moslem women), the prohibition of all radios, television, cameras, computers cinema, theater and any secular values of the Western hemisphere.
They indulge in willful and deliberate oppression of the Afghan people, killing and imprisoning anyone who refuse to abide by these rules. Disallowing the involvement of women in politics, or public affairs, and are not inclined to develop the war-ravaged cities of Afghanistan. Also abject poverty is very RIFE in the entire State of Afghanistan.
Part 3.
Americas' Military rResponse:
The First Phase:
On Sunday: October/07/2001, America and her British ally commenced assaults of missiles and bombs on Afghanistan. The Taliban and El Qaeda terrorist movement was the target. The 'Pentagon' said that any government, State or person who harbors, provide safe haven or support terrorists will be targeted by America and her Global Coalition of countries, in the Campaign against 'terrorists'. Along with this action, follows the dropping of much needed supplies of FOOD and medicine on the ground for Refugees fleeing from the Taliban, on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The British Prime Minister (Tony Blair) reported to Parliament today (Oct/08/2001), on British and Americas involvement in the initial retaliation in Afghanistan. He stressed that ' Because the West failed to sustain relations with Afghanistan after the departure of the Russians, thus creating a political void for terrorists.' He also stressed that British involvement with the eradication of terrorism Globally for the 'long haul,' is assured.
In response to this message, The British Liberal Democratic Party Leader responded. 'A Regime they did Not Elect, And A Man Whose Mercy They Did Not Invite.' This was in reference to Asama Bin Laden as resident terrorist, and his terrorist activities worldwide. He further stressed that The El Qaeda network globally, must be rooted out and neutralized.
The Pentagon reported on (Oct/09/2001) that the air space over Afghanistan has been totally neutralized by the British and American forces. They also said that plans are afoot for another phase in the campaign against terrorists, the tracking down and rooting out from their caves, and other hiding places in Afghanistan. The President has also indicated that some sensitive information shared with Congress has leaked out to the press. He chastised them publicly via a Press interview on (Oct/09/2001). 'Sensitive information shared to anyone, must be held DEAR, and people must be made to understand that such leaks could be devastating to the lives of our armed forces.'
Part 4.
Yassar Arafats' response:
Yassar Arafat spoke to the League Of Arab Nations recently, he stressed that terrorism will not be condoned by his organization, and all those who violate this position must be prepared to suffer the consequences, via sanctions. He further stated that Islam does not subscribe to terrorism as Jihad, and the war on terrorism that is being carried out by America and a coalition of nations, are targeting terrorists and not Moslems.
Meanwhile, here in America the news media is placed in a dilemma unheard of before. The White House feels that it is in the interest of National security to chide the local media (Television). Advising them not to broadcast Taliban controlled News from Afghanistan, El Qaeda, or Asama Bin Ladens' propaganda. To edit out those parts which seem inflammable of events taking place militarily in that region, or that may spur a call to action by 'terrorists' worldwide.
CNN and other news media to date (Oct/11/2001), reported that Russian, American and British ground troops are operating on the ground in Afghanistan. In an attempt to root/flush out the terrorists or members of the Taliban, suspected to be hiding in caves, and seeking cover from the bombings.
On October/16/2001, CNN reported via Television the following figures.
(a) The total amount calculated to be dead at the former World Trade Center disaster is 5,017.
(b) The total amount recovered (dead) and identified during excavation exercises are 504.
Meanwhile, CNN reports claim that USA and other Coalition Special Forces are operating in Afghanistan at the moment (Oct/19/2001), and that some of The Taliban forces (especially the rank and file) members are defecting to the North.
Part 5.
The Northern Alliance:
The much revered (late) Commander of The Afghan Northern Alliance Ahmed Shah Massood. Who was killed by terrorists as he was giving an interview to two journalists. They were disguised terrorists!
He was the instrumental leader of the Northern Alliance in the war against Russia, and their defeat. He also fought The Taliban government, and so far was successful in driving out the Taliban from the Northern region of Afghanistan.
The Northern Alliance are a mix and varied set of Ethnic groups from the Northern regions of Afghanistan. They are in the main, strongly opposed to the Ruling Taliban, and have been fighting them ever since they took control of the Southern regions of Afghanistan. Within this mix, there is also strong dis-agreements about methods and policies in relation to governing the country after victory is achieved.
However, they are presently united in the fight against the Taliban government. They are by and large, a mix of fighters from the common people of Afghanistan, whose primary reason to fight is in Defense of their homeland. Sophisticated weaponry are sparse, eg ( Horse mounted troops) similar to a 'Calvary charge' is quite common among them. The Taliban are more equipped with modern weapons supplied by Pakistan, (its' ally), in the time preceeding the War on terrorists.
Part 6.
The Patriot Act of 2001:
This Bill was passed by The United States Of Americas’ Congress on October/24/2001, and signed into Law by President George W. Bush on October/25/2001.
The following are some of its' provisions:
(a) Any terrorist can be arrested on the grounds of suspicion, kept in custody from 1 to 7 days pending an investigation. After litigation, if found guilty, can be immediately deported from the U.S.A or its' commonwealth territories.
(b) This law gives the C.I.A, the F.B.I., and the Office for National Security, the right to access e-mail (opened or un-opened), extract data from computer hard drives (without permission or knowledge) from the suspect. Indulge in wire tapping of telephones, Cellular phones and any other medium of cyber communication, to attain evidence on a suspected terrorist.
This Act oversees all American nationals, Green Card holders, Permanent Residents & all illegal aliens in the territories of The U.S.A. It also contains 40 sections.
The United States Congress & Senate voted unanimously to approve this bill, and does not have access to its’ provisions. The US Attorney General & The Justice Dept. has arbitrary Privy to this Bill at all times, without restrictions.
In light of the aforementioned law, brings to mind the system of Internet Snooping via (e-mail). The F.B.I. has the ability to intercept any information via e-mail as it proceeds from sender to receiver. And extract any information there from without the knowledge of either (sender or receiver). This has been done before (Sept/11/2001) terrorist attack, and will continue on any suspect/terrorist activist. I am not clear on the explanation of this acronym 'CARNIVIR.'
Part 7.
The Second Phase/Assault
Mr. Donald Rumsfeld (Defense Secretary) for the first time today (Oct/30/2001) said, that American and Northern Alliance troops, are engaged in joint maneuvers on the ground in Afghanistan. He further stressed that Military munitions and Food was being dropped from the air to the ground in Afghanistan, in an effort to equip the Northern Alliance forces with the necessities for the tasks ahead. The current situation was also given validation by British Prime Minister (Tony Blair), simultaneously via the media to Britons.
I think that it is necessary to clarify the underlying issues of this aggressive/militaristic GIHAD against the Western Powers.
It is generally felt by many factions within the Arab and Moslem communities worldwide, that America's Political/Economic involvement in this region, has created deep-rooted resentment among many people in Arab and Islamic dominated States.
It would seem that ever since America's War on Iraq, and the build-up of American forces in Saudi Arabia. Perceived by several fundamentalist Moslems, as a Defamation of Sacred Islamic soil, and the degradation of her Holy lands.
Albeit, if we use this analysis to determine the reasons behind the 'Call To Arms' advocated by Asama Bin Laden and the El Qaeda movement. Then it is safe to assume that we are faced with "A Holy War," as perceived by these extremists and terrorists.
It is not unusual to see children from the age of twelve, with little or no schooling, volunteering to fight alongside their adult counterparts. As comrades in arms, fighting to overthrow the Taliban. Many of these children are quite adept in using Stinger missiles, other arms and munitions, with the proficiency of a trained soldier.
Fox news on (Channel one) reported on November/03/2001 that 415.000 jobs were lost in the U.S.A, as a result of the terrorists attacks on (Sept/11/2001).
Donald Rumsfeld: U.S.A. Defense Secretary:
In an interview with reporters on November/06/2001 at The Pentagon he said, 'We will Deal Decisively and Aggressively With Mass Murderers.'
Ironically, the US military is presently using aerially inflicted bombs called 'The Daisy Cutter'. This 15000 lb bomb is dropped from an aircraft by parachute, explodes a short distance from the ground. It covers an area with its' deadly cargo for over 15 acres, and makes a crater of about 25 feet deep. This type of bomb is being used on suspected caves and other dugouts that Taliban forces are hiding in, to 'Flush them out', as the Pentagon infers.
One wonders at this time, and the inability to meet the Taliban forces openly. And the tendency for them to mix with civilians, occupy civilian domains, poses great temptation to use this weapon indiscriminately, if desperation gains the upper hand.
Part 8.
This is the first Taliban controlled city that is now under the control of The Northern Alliance forces, according to The Pentagon public briefings today (Nov/09/2001). Though they maintain that it is still not confirmed, because of inadequate visibility (due to dust filled air) hovering above the ground, thus making it difficult to view from Satellite cameras.
Capturing this city paves the way (and possibility) of getting closer to Kabul, (The Principal City). Maza-e-sharif has an airstrip, which was built by the Russians when they were the occupiers. This infrastructure is vitally necessary for the deployment of ground forces, and for transporting equipment and munitions, for the military campaign ahead.
Part 9.
The Exodus Of The Taliban:
The Pentagon reported on November/13/2001 that The Taliban were fleeing in droves from the Capital city 'KABUL,' following the relentless un-slaught of the Northern Alliance forces. The Pentagon and The President of the U.S.A. is not in favor of any invasion by the Northern Alliance forces in Kabul.
This fear stems from the experience in the recent past, after the Exodus of the Russian forces from Afghanistan, the vacuum chaos and genocide following their departure, warrants hesitancy. Until a Representative coalition/interim administration, reflecting all ethnic groups is formed.
Also the 'Pashtunes' comprise 40% of the ethnic majority of the Afghan population. They are mostly situated in the Southern regions of the country, by and large more supportive of the Taliban, and must be a part of this coalition or administration, if some semblance of Peace or Order is to be attained.
Albeit, The Northern Alliance forces seem to be on a roll, they have taken the Provinces of 'Jalahabad' and 'Harat' so far, and is continuing on to 'Kandahar,' the Political stronghold of the Taliban.
Part 10.
Sometime in the 1700's, in the region that is now called Saudi Arabia, "Paganism' was practiced by the people of that entire region, following the decay of Islam. At the demise of the prophet 'Mohamed,' and his devoted followers. There was an Arab merchant/leader whose concern for the restoration of Islamic principles, felt that he had to do something. With his influence and persuasion, prompted the Ruling Elite to undertake the task of advocating for the return to BASICS or (Fundamentalist Islam).
Thus re-creating this rigid group that is now referred to today as TALIBAN or Wah-ab-ism. When Saudi Arabia became a sovereign State, the Royal House, incorporated this Islamic Ideology as their National Policy for rule and control.
Special Madrasi schools (as they were called) were established to teach the Quran, consisting of these Taliban/Wahabist Imams, To solicit and indoctrinate the ignorant and gullible, to achieve the goal of Islamic Jihad against non-Moslems or Infidels.
Today we see the revelation and perpetuation of such teachings and trainings, in Asama Bin Laden and the El Qaeda movement.
Part 11.
Mohamed Atef: (Heir Apparent):
It is commonly suspected in The Intelligence Communities that Mohamed Atef is considered the next possible successor to Asama Bin Laden, if and when he dies or is killed, as the Political/Ideological Leader of the El Qaeda movement. He was a former Policeman in the Egyptian Police, also Son-in-law to Asama Bin Laden, after his daughter married Bin Ladens' son. This arrangement appear to have strengthened the trust and confidence that Bin Laden has in him, and consolidating his position as 'heir apparent'.
CNN television announced on November/16/2001 that Mohamed Atef was presumed killed when US Military strikes destroyed a building housing several top-level members of El Qaeda in conference. The Province of Kunduze is at this date (Nov/12/2001) surrounded by the Northern Alliance forces. The province is also being attacked simultaneously by The British and American Special Forces. Asama Bin laden is still not caught, and is suspected to be hiding in the caves of this region. There is also some defecting and in-fighting among The Taliban, according to CNN and the Pentagon.
Part 12.
The Seize Of Kunduz:
Today (Nov19/2001) U.S.A. Defense Secretary said on television, that The Township of 'Kunduz' is under seige by The Northern Alliance Forces. This is the gateway to the city of Kandahar. Within this town it is believed that some Taliban troops are massacred their foreign comrades. These are mainly non-Afghans, who show signs of defecting or surrendering to the Northern Alliance forces.
According to Mr. Donald Rumsfeld, the U.S.A. would not want her Afghan allies to enter the town without first trying to encourage defectors. Also the British and American forces operating in this region are too small in numbers to accept prisoners. Therefore, there is no guarantee that if El Queda and The Taliban forces do not voluntarily surrender, there is a chance of them being killed in battle.
Part 13.
The Capitulation Of Kunduz:
CNNs' reporter on the ground in Mazar-e-sharif gave a stunning Teleconference Report tonight (Nov/21/2001), on the current situation on Surrender Negotiations in Kunduz, between representatives of the Northern Alliance forces, The UN, Pakistan and other representatives with The Taliban. Also the socio-economic and political realities existing presently in Afghanistan. At this time, the following infrastructure is lacking or non-existent in the country.
a. There is no established Law Enforcement or responsible means for Law and Order.
b. There is no functioning Electric Power Supply throughout the State of Afghanistan.
c. There is no proper Sewer Disposal in all of the cities; even 'Out-Houses' or 'Latrines' are non-existent.
d. All roads are destroyed or non-existent in most of the cities; bridges and dams are also destroyed.
e. The Educational System was shut down 20 years ago when the Taliban overran the country; therefore, children have not had any formal schooling for over 20 years.
f. Children from the ages of 5 years work in the Carpet making factories, along with their Adult counter-parts; "earn 8 cents per day," working from Dawn till Dusk. This meager pittance at least gives them the opportunity to buy a loaf of bread for that day.
These are just a Fraction of the problems that exist in Afghanistan at the present time.
Note: The Mayors' Office has declared publicly that the final Body Count of the former Trade Center disaster are as follows; Presumed dead (625); and Missing (3,021), as @ November/24/2001.
Meanwhile, the deposed President of Afghanistan said that all Afghan Taliban troops that surrendered would be spared/pardoned. And the foreigners eg Arabs, Pakistani's and other nationals involved, be dealth with by The United Nations.
He further stressed that The United Front (as it is now called), is trying to encourage talks for an Interim government or (Loyal Jirga), and does not want anything to do with those foreigners that were involved in this conflict.
Part 14.
Afghan Summit In Germany: (Nov/27/2001):
Representatives of The United Front Alliance, The Pashtunes, and The exiled King of Afghanistan commenced discussions today, at a round table in Bonn. There were five (non-resident Afghan) women represented at this conference. The US President said that 'women must play a part in any Interim Administration or Government.
Mr. Bush also stressed that if all ethnic groups do not have proportionate representation, especially the Pashtunes), the Front Line Alliance cannot expect to get any Aid from his administration in the future.
Hello, Hello!
The Pentagon made public today (Dec/03/2001), that three Americans were discovered fighting for the Taliban in Mazar-e-sharif. These prisoners of war were discovered by the Northern Alliance nee (United Front) forces, following an air strike on the outskirts of the city of Kandahar.
The names of two of them has not yet been verified, but the other one is 'John Walker Lindh' of Washington, DC. (self identified). He was handed over to the Americans for questioning.
Part 15.
New Interim Administrator:
A new Interim Administration of Afghanistan was elected by the ethnic Representatives in Bonn. Hamid Karzai, (an ethnic Pashtune tribal leader) is The Interim Prime Minister of this Administration. This position's tenure will be for six months, until the Internal Tribal Leaders could establish a permanent Administration.
The Great Escape Of The Taliban:
"Oh-How The Mighty Falleth."
This was the reality today (December/07/2001; of the Taliban forces and Leadership in Kandahar, when they realized that their days were numbered.
With the total siege by The American Special Forces and Marines of the City of Kandahar, the Taliban sought surrender terms with the new Afghan administration, and amnesty for Mullah Omar, a formidable foe of terrorism and an El Qaeda strongman.
The Pentagon said 'NO,' and warned the Afghan administration, that if such concessions are given to El Qaeda members, it may interfere with future help from America. However, the US Special forces, along with The United Front forces, is continuing with the pursuit of fleeing Taliban members into the Caves of Tora Bora, a mountainous region.
Part 16.
Where Is The Smokimg Gun?
The Pentagon declared today (Dec/16/2001), that most of The El Qaeda forces that were fighting in the mountains of Tora Bora have surrendered, (220 killed and 11 captured). There are still pockets of resistance fighters holding out in this region. They are being pursued by The Eastern Alliance forces on the ground, but Asama Bin Laden is still not found, and is presumed to be on the run somewhere in this region.
Defense Secretary of the USA said that the war on terrorism in Afghanistan is not yet over, until the entire El Qaeda organization and its' allies are flushed out and brought to justice, regardless of whether or not Asama Bin Laden is caught (dead or alive).
Today (December/18/2001), the former King in exile of Afghanistan, gave Interim Premier Hamid Karzai a gilded Quran in Rome, his blessings- wished him Peace and well being, at his new position and responsibilities.
"Free At Last; Free At Last; Thank God
Almighty, We're Free At Last:"
Part 17.
A New Dispensation:
Today (December/23/2001), the Interim Premier appointed, Hamid Karzai was officially sworn in, along with thirteen other Ministers, two of whom were Women. These positions will be held for six months, until A New Coalition can be formed, leading to elections for a democratically elected government.
In the meantime, The American Special forces and their British counterparts are still combing the hills of Tora Bora. In pursuit of pockets of fleeing Taliban and El Queda fighters, in the hope of finding Asama Bin Ladens' body (dead or alive), among the debris.
British Special Operations Troops are arriving via Kandahar's airport to perform Peace-keeping operations in Kabul, and for the protection of The New Government, until The United Nations multinational forces arrive in January/2002, to assume the responsibility for National Security.
Derryck S. Griffith
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
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