Thursday, November 19, 2009

The EU Seeks A President For The Union!

November 19-2009:

The EU Seeks A President For The Union!

The Lisbon Constitution does not stipulate what the duties of the president will be. So asking prospective candidates to submit their names for that position, does not help anyone in deciding if he/she should run, because he/she will not know what is expected of him/her.

Therefore, it seems like the heads of states of each EU country, will be deciding (behind closed doors), who will be the preferred candidate. This does not auger well for Democracy, which this Union so boldly claims it upholds.

And whoever gets the nod, will not be the choice of the commonweal of all EU states.

And this final choice will also not be the choice of any election result of the entire EU commonweal either.


November 10-2009:

Selecting The President For The European Union!

The Lisbon Treaty does not stipulate what the President's duties would be. Therefore, selecting someone for that position without A Job Description may be very challenging indeed. So I would like to offer some suggestions:

* This person should be European first and foremost.

* He/she should be within the age range of 30 to 50 years of age. Not too old or too young, to appeal to wide cross section of the EU commonweal.

* He/she MUST be able to bring People together. Preferably someone with a history of mediator or conciliator of disputes.

* He/she may also be an academic or may have served for some time in a diplomatic situation or ambassadorial position.

* He/she MUST have a reputable and credible employment history, personal integrity, and the ability to express his/herself verbally, privately, and in publicly too.

* Finally, he/she aught to be Good looking, not Fat or Obese, (athletic may be an advantage), and with a progressive world outlook, with the ability to make compromises.

New York City.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Selecting The President For The European Union!

November 10-2009:

Selecting The President For The European Union!

The Lisbon Treaty does not stipulate what the President's duties would be. Therefore, selecting someone for that position without A Job Description may be very challenging indeed. So I would like to offer some suggestions:

* This person should be European first and foremost.

* He/she should be within the age range of 30 to 50 years of age. Not too old or too young, to appeal to wide cross section of the EU commonweal.

* He/she MUST be able to bring People together. Preferably someone with a history of mediator or conciliator of disputes.

* He/she may also be an academic or may have served for some time in a diplomatic situation or ambassadorial position.

* He/she MUST have a reputable and credible employment history, personal integrity, and the ability to express his/herself verbally, privately, and in publicly too.

* Finally, he/she aught to be Good looking, not Fat or Obese, (athletic may be an advantage), and with a progressive world outlook, with the ability to make compromises.

New York City.


Monday, November 09, 2009

The Fall Of The Berlin Wall's 20Th Anniversary!

November 09-2009:

The Fall Of The Berlin Wall's 20TH Anniversary!

As the world watches and celebrates with the Germans, their 20Th anniversary of the accursed wall. Let us reflect for a while the history behind such walls, and how very difficult the people who were so divided is still unable (by and large), to fully overcome those that division mentally and psychologically, years after the wall that divided them came down.

Why Walls Are Unable To Create Security:

Walls historically were used to keep people in, like China under their ancient Emperors. To protect from invaders, like most western civilizations used to protect their peoples from invading armies. And what the Israeli government is using today (as they say), to prevent incursions of terrorists into their homeland.

Can Walls Truly Protect Any Culture?

The answer to this question is NO. All walls ancient or modern, had their flaws.

* Some were breached with help from within.

* Some walls were breached from underground tunnels.

* Some walls were destroyed by cannon fire.

* Others came down by the very same people it was built to prevent people from escaping to the outside.

Germany is a case in point!

After The Fall Of Any Barrier-What Happens?

Germany today is still divided mentally in many ways. Some of those who lived in the Eastern side before the wall fell, still hold memories of the days when jobs were secured, education was secured, and housing was secured. As long as you adhered to communist rules, indoctrination, and the lack of personal freedom to travel or express yourself.

Some still feel that they would rather have that system, than live in this current one of social and economic uncertainty, and in-equality.

However, these views are shared mostly by the older (over 30 thirties) generation, because most of them were either too old to make use of the opportunities that came with the fall, or refused to integrate or take those new economic, educational, and social opportunities, that came with the re-unification.



Sunday, November 08, 2009

Falesly Accused Enemy Combatants!

November 08-2009:

Falsely Accused Enemy Combatants!

If someone was arrested or apprehended in a foreign country where the US & N.A.T.O. forces were or is fighting terrorism, with that government's approval of their presence there. Then, anyone who was actually involved in combat with N.A.T.O. or US troops while engaging in fighting terror. He/she would be brought back to the US or interned into any US base in that country, or abroad for questioning.

If it is determined that such arrests are unfounded, or no concrete evidence was unearthed that substantiate the allegations that he/she was indeed a combatant, then that individual must be set free. Or returned home to his country or to the country that he was arrested in.

Habeas Corpus:

In terms of habeas corpus for that individual. The US will say that a foreigner arrested in a foreign country, or on US shores or territories, is not qualified to be tried in any US Court Of Justice, because he/she is not a US citizen. But that does not prevent him/her from being tried in the country where he/she was arrested instead.

Could justice or the presumption of justice for these individuals be guaranteed in another country for their alleged crimes?

That is an open question. But the US and I presume N.A.T.O. are obligated to abide by the UN & Geneva Conventions which stipulate, that all combatants (uniformed or not), caught in any theater of war, his/her rights be respected under the UN Charter, regardless of whether he/she is guilty or presumed guilty of any war crime.

Could The Alleged Combatants Suit The US?

I guess he/she could file suit against the US or N.A.T.O authorities/governments if he/she feels that his/her Human Rights have been violated. And any suit can be filed in a Court Of Law.

But in the case of the US Judicial system, such a suit may not be entertained, because that person was not a US citizen at the time of arrest or incarceration.

And currently, under the Obama administration, a special Military Tribunal, conducted by the US military will be the forum where Innocence or Guilt is determined.

Derryck S. Griffith.
New York City.


Sunday, November 01, 2009

The US Could Never Be An Impartial Arbiter In The Palestinian Conflict!

November 01-2009:

The US Could Never Be An Impartial Arbiter In The Palestinian Conflict!

Hillary Clinton said that the Obama administration will not press Israel to cease settlement building, in order for the Peace Process to continue any longer. The settlements are Illegal, under International law.

Well, if this is not selling out the Palestinians, what is?

This hypocrisy is endemic to the politics of whoever occupies The White House, when it comes to Palestinian Rights, Security and Justice.

And until the American people hold their government accountable for allowing a terrorist government in Israel from treating the Palestinians with impunity. There will and can be no REAL peace in that region.

I am truly disappointed with this development, and my continual support for the Obama Administration will be discontinued with immediate effect, pending some serious reflection.


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