How Do You Rebuild Haiti (Part-2)!
April 04-2010:
How Do You Rebuild Haiti (Part-2)!
Started when they had to pay France for their freedom. Then the USA, and her Greedy Capitalists used their money, political clout, and influence to cripple any government that did not serve their interests. Today, Haitians are back to Square One!
Haiti after the earthquake is like a huge cemetery or a large region after an Atomic bomb exploded. That is how devastated it is.
Therefore, in order for this nation to ever get back on it's feet, these things MUST be put back in place.
*. Establishing liveable homes for most of the townships and people therein.
* Having schools repaired or rebuilt to accommodate Kindergarten and Primary School attendees.
* Establishing a Haitian Authority to oversee, along with the USA and the UN, the overall governance and rebuilding efforts.
* To re-establish all Radio, Television, Internet, and Police radio communications nationally.
* Repairing all roads damaged, and building nonexistent roads within and without the cities.
* Ensuring the an able Police Force or Presence is Established, to ensure Local and National Security concerns, and maintaining Law & Order in the cities.
* Re-establishing Garbage Collection services, Garbage Disposal services, Sewer services, Pure Water lines and Services, Electricity for all residents in the major cities and townships, especially where large volumes of people are located.
* Street lighting MUST be re-established. Because without this facility, Bandits can operate at night, without being seen or apprehended.
* All re-construction work MUST be done by, or sub-subsidized with Haitian labor, (when available).
Decentralization Of The Local Economy:
Haitians are a very resourceful people. Their history has shown that despite repaying an exorbitant debt to France, hurricanes, economic strangulation, coups, and now the recent earthquake.
Haitians are using their mental resources to survive via the street side food carts/stalls, pedaling essential items, and providing basic essential services like Cell Phone recharging, Petrol selling, Garbage disposal, and Junk selling, in order to survive on a daily basis.
The Small Businesses Are The Only Hope For Haiti.
* Giving Small Business loans to start or re-start their business, will provide employment, which will bring much needed money in the hands of consumers, who purchase their needs. thus making the economy grow.
* Decentralization will allow foreign investors to explore, and develop the industries that will provide much needed employment for locals.
* Developing the Rice Industry, by lending those farmers who show resilience to continue in that regard, and provide the means and help for their development, distribution, and sale of the rice to the national economy. Thus discontinuing the dependence upon foreign food aid/rice, which inhibits the sale of local rice on the market.
* Finally, without a national government that the commonweal Believes In, Trusts, or Elects. All of the above will come to naught.
And the usual governmental Corruption, Bribery, Nepotism, and Oppression will continue!
HAITIANS: You have come a long way. But you are here now. Pick Yourself Up, Dust Yourself Off, & Keep Moving Forward, Because that is what you MUST do!
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