February 04-2011:
I Am Fed Up Being President (Mubarak):
President Obama is alleged to have suggested that the military triumvirate or (the PM, The VP, and The Defense Minister), take over when Mubarak leaves. And re-write the Constitution. This would happen without civilian input or consent. And is totally un-acceptable (to say the least for this revolution).
However, Pharaoh Mubarak will not leave voluntarily until Barack Obama Says "Enough Is Enough." and instructs the Army there to stage a 'coup-de-etat.' When that is done, the military will declare that they are in charge, because president Mubarak has abdicated.
Who Is In Charge Asks The Western Media?
The Western media! But they fail to realize that not all revolutions confirm to the historical precedent, of a recognized Front Runner at the outset. These young, energetic, resolute, and intelligent Revolutionaries will identify and support the one, they will eventually choose to lead and speak for them.
A Collective Leadership:
Currently, until president Mubarak resigns officially, a group of individuals have chosen to speak for or on behalf of the revolution. When Mubarak leaves office, I presume will emerge some individual who the mass of revolutionaries will appoint to speak for, or advocate for their desires in the Interim Administration, until the National Election preparations are undertaken.
There are fourteen individuals that represent fourteen political groups. And these are the leaders that are involved with all discussions with the Mubarak regime/government currently.
Even though they do not have the authority or mandate from the mass of revolutionaries, who will accept nothing less than president Mubarak's resignation before any talks can begin.
Organizating Abilities:
The organizing ability to deal with such large numbers of people in one place is amazing to many in the west. However, I commend your System Of Warning to fellow revolutionaries when danger approaches in Tahrir Square, from those who oppose you.
So What Happens Next?
This Revolution can only succeed if the military Top Brass relinquish their obligation to the USA, and tell Mubarak he has to go, or be killed if he stays. Then take over the government, ask the opposition forces to meet and form an Interim government, pending Nation Elections.
Don't Leave Tahrir Square:
Hold Tahrir by any cost. The army wants you to leave so that they can have total control of it. Thus giving the Mubarak Regime the ability to prevent you from occupying that National Symbol of Freedom. If you go back home, the Internal Security Forces will round up all the Revolutionary Leadership, and have them tortured secretly.
Mubarak's (N.D.P.) Party Leadership Exodus:
The TOP Leadership in President Mubarak's Political Party have left the Party. They abandoned the ship. Fear of reprisals in the future I guess, is responsible for this sudden exodus!
All Presidential Powers MUST Be Relinquished By President Mubarak NOW.
The Martial Law MUST Be Lifted Permanently NOW:
Free And Un-prohibited Access To All Media Must Be Allowed NOW.
All Political Prisoners In Prison MUST Be Released NOW.
A Constitutional Commission MUST Identify The Representatives NOW.
The Revolutionary Demonstrations MUST Be Allowed To Continue.
Our Resolve:
WE WILL STAND FIRM, STAND UPRIGHT, STAY FOCUSSED. And will not be intimidated by anyone (foreign or domestic).
The Revolution Continues!